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View Full Version : PS3 could lose FFXIII as an exclusive

March 22nd, 2007, 17:39
The latest in Square Enix's epic RPG series, Final Fantasy XIII, has not yet been secured as a PS3-exclusive.

Discussing game exclusivity, Vice president of SCE Europe, Georges Fornay, told French site dna.fr: "The development cost of games has exploded, so it has become difficult to have exclusiveness, except over our own games."

He goes on to reveal that exclusivity for Final Fantasy XIII is "under discussion", suggesting that the deal is still up for grabs. Might we see Square opt for a cross platform release? We've put forward the query and await a reply.
Fornay confirms: "We will have as of launch 30 games, including Motorstorm, Resistance and Virtua Fighter 5. Moreover, we await 200 games from here to the end of 2007." There'll be plenty of games to play, then.

Exclusivity looks set to become a rarer occurrence with escalating development costs making it increasingly necessary for third-party developers to release games on multiple platforms to gain maximum possible returns on their investments.

via cvg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=160471)

March 22nd, 2007, 17:55
God I hope not. Sony better f'n step up and stop this shit. They can't afford to lose any major titles anymore. Devil May Cry 4..ok that's acceptable, but if MGS and/or FF go multi-platform then millions of people will have little to no reason to purchase a PS3 anymore.

March 22nd, 2007, 18:09
I dont know why people react over this. I mean, what is the big idea? If i am a publisher, i would prefer my game goes multi-platform and make more money than be with a single console and make less money. It aint a brainer and pretty much straight forward.

Another point would be the number of consolescurrently available, 360 and wii has more than the ps3 for now so expect to lose some exclusivity. This aint the ps2 era you know.

Finally, in relation to the first reason i gave above, what we will begin to see as exclusive would only be game made by the console owners themselves by their in-house studios. So, let is just sit down and enjoy the competition as a gamer.

BTW, i do have a ps3 and i think it rocks.

March 22nd, 2007, 18:15
You do realize that if Sony loses all exclusive titles or even just the blockbuster ones that the PS3 will decline in popularity or desire and may end up like Sega? Then your rockin PS3 will be collecting dust.

March 22nd, 2007, 18:20
I disagree, there are people like me that would prefer to play their games on ps3 for many reason - I prefer the pad, in-house games (e.g resistance), the fact that i have been playing from the ps1 era etc. Then you have the die hard fans and your average joe who just prefer a ps console.

Aint no way ps3 would sit and gather dust, Sony wont let it happen. If you compare sony and sega, they are two different companies in NOT similar circumstances. Sony have monies whilst sega was in financial depth back then etc, sony can always off load profit from other sector (tv, mobile phones, electronics etc) just to make it work. Belive me.

Gold Line
March 22nd, 2007, 18:24
ps3 sucks no exclusive final fantasy no exclusive devil may cry why buy a ps3?

March 22nd, 2007, 18:28
ps3 sucks no exclusive final fantasy no exclusive devil may cry why buy a ps3?

Because not everyone is a retard and ignorant like you to post such a dumb ass post.

Gold Line
March 22nd, 2007, 18:32
Because not everyone is a retard and ignorant like you to post such a dumb ass post.

says the dumb ass who is going to buy a ps3


wow thats a big word for a dum ass

March 22nd, 2007, 18:42
says the dumb ass who is going to buy a ps3

wow thats a big word for a dum ass

Do you think your post makes you smart or something? I guess not much surprise really that you missed the part i mentioned that i already OWN a ps3?

This is my last say on this. Post something sensible other than be a teenager and barging into every thread and post "OMGZ11111111 <3 ps3 suck 1111".......Grow up and get a grip. People buy ps3 without asking monies off your dad or mum...remember that.

Gold Line
March 22nd, 2007, 19:24
Do you think your post makes you smart or something? I guess not much surprise really that you missed the part i mentioned that i already OWN a ps3?

This is my last say on this. Post something sensible other than be a teenager and barging into every thread and post "OMGZ11111111 <3 ps3 suck 1111".......Grow up and get a grip. People buy ps3 without asking monies off your dad or mum...remember that.

what is your prob man did you wake up on the wrong side of your mum today?

and what do you think posting a big post makes you big man get the hell out of here take your dick out of mums ass and play your £450 ps3

yes i said ps3 sucks but you could have said "i dont think the ps3 sucks because....." but no you had to be a ****er

March 22nd, 2007, 19:27
Sony honestly is hurting alot from the loss they are experiencing with the sale of every PS3. around $200 to $310 per console. So they've sold about 2.5 million? That's over 650 Million dollars in 5 months. That's more than Sony can just brush off. Now I don't want the PS3 to die out, and I really doubt that it will, but if every console making title goes multi-platform, like I said before, there will be very little reason for people to buy a system that is $200 more than a console that has the game they want.

March 23rd, 2007, 03:34
God I hope not. Sony better f'n step up and stop this shit. They can't afford to lose any major titles anymore. Devil May Cry 4..ok that's acceptable, but if MGS and/or FF go multi-platform then millions of people will have little to no reason to purchase a PS3 anymore.

Who gives a shit if games are multiplatform? This is the way they should always be, unless your system is complete trash and exclusive titles are your only means at which you can compete.

What does "Sony better step up" mean? Maybe, Sony better fork up the dough.

Don't worry, sony and square have a long history. I would really be surprised to see a simultaneous release of FFXIXIXV on PS3 and 360. If it does happen, sell your PS3 while it still has value and get a 360.

March 23rd, 2007, 10:50
Who gives a shit if games are multiplatform? This is the way they should always be, unless your system is complete trash and exclusive titles are your only means at which you can compete.

Hm........exclusives means a lot more than you think. They help make each individual console unique. If all consoles have the exact same games, then all consoles have pretty much turned into PC-style gaming. Everyone can play, and it'll just depend on your machine.

As an owner of both the 360 and the PS3, I can say that they are pretty much the same. Main differences between the 360 and PS3 right now is the controller, PS3 has blu-ray, and the 360 is cheaper (unless you buy the HD-DVD add on).

Since we're on the PS3 board, I have a 3 of theories on what Sony might do because of the potentail to lose all its 3rd-party exclusives....

Maybe Sony is going to just start working on some more quality 1st-party titles for now(something along the lines of God of War caliber), so they don't have to worry about 3rd-party stuff.


They want to take the gamble and focus on making dev kits ("that unlock the true potential of the PS3") for their developers(1st and 3rd parties). This will help them ease the pain of all their former exclusives turning into multi-platform games. Remember, last gen, lots of Xbox owners bought a majority of multiplatform games. This was mainly due to the fact that the Xbox was the graphically superior console(I did the same, all my sports games were on the Xbox, except for the WE/PES series).


Some how convince 3rd party developers to utilize the space for the Blu-ray disc(currently, there's so much room, and few games get anywhere near the 15GB+ mark). Not only with extra data to help make the games look, play, and sound better (potentially has the ability to use uncompressed sounds), but actually get extra content on the disc(kind of like how the multi-platform games last gen made the PS2/Xbox version superior to the GC). This would help them advertise that 1. they get the most complete version of all games or 2. they don't need to swap discs all the time.

All of the above 3 would be nice too. ;)

All I know is that if PS3 doesn't get something to seperate itself from the 360, people will just buy the 360 because it's cheaper. Think about it, why would you pay an extra $100-$200 just for the same games.