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May 5th, 2005, 18:33
According to IT Facts on ZDNet, the term “psp” was popular this last March. Curious, that is. In fact, the searches for “psp” increased by 367% when comparing the week of 4/2/05 to the week of 3/19/05. The post goes on to point out that the term was the 53rd most performed search on Google in that time. What does all of this mean? Well, put the term “psp” in your header as often as possible, of course.

May 7th, 2005, 02:09
It's still odd though that the PSP is being outsold by the DS, or is the DS just as popular?

May 7th, 2005, 02:47
ds been out longer i think

May 7th, 2005, 03:04
Yep I know that, but its still doing it. Last time I checked the DS sells more in a month then the PSP... KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN... Or erm I meant WHYYYYYY????? Lol.

May 7th, 2005, 03:18
where u get the info
ds is cheaper than psp

May 8th, 2005, 00:43
I got the info from ZDNet, lol.
Yeah its true that the DS is cheaper, but would you rather buy a Sega Genesis for $150 or a PS 2 for 100 bucks more? It just stuns me.

May 8th, 2005, 01:04
LOL. Give it time and the psp will over take the DS. I dunno why people like the DS, the N64 wasn't such a great system and had maybe a dozen good games. Now if the DS was a portable step above Gamecube this would be a different story..

May 8th, 2005, 23:18
I got the info from ZDNet, lol.
Yeah its true that the DS is cheaper, but would you rather buy a Sega Genesis for $150 or a PS 2 for 100 bucks more? It just stuns me.

is that global sales cos if it is the PSP aint out globally.
if not the price is a big factor.

BTW - saw a mother and son in my local game shop today and son ran to DS stand and started going on about it, The mother said "oh yeah, thats going to be the next big thing isn't it". I almost fell over (the place was plastered with PSP pre-order posters):D

May 9th, 2005, 01:47
still DS hs Mario 64 ds and the psp anit got nethin good like that

May 9th, 2005, 06:56
The DS smells. When I go into a game store, I can just smell the terrible funk spewing from that damn machine. It smells like a wet dog humping a dead rotting cow in the back of a garbage truck.

May 9th, 2005, 08:18
Mario 64......

Do we really have to go into comparisons here, cos all that happens is that the PSP wins :D and the Administrators get p!ssed and start to threaten to ban people :eek: .

I like my PSP les just leave it at that.

May 9th, 2005, 16:00
The DS is good for kids and the PSP for real men! :-)

May 9th, 2005, 16:30
still DS hs Mario 64 ds and the psp anit got nethin good like that
Ridge Racers is like the best racing game i've played in a years. No DS game made it into the top 20 games of 2004 yet Ridger Racers did.

May 9th, 2005, 16:34
like Vimes220 said
no more "the ds smells and the psp rules", we don't allow console wars here

May 9th, 2005, 16:37

but, this is a psp forum, surely people are allowed to have a little bit of friendly banter about there favourite machine. Afterall, if one is into the DS then one could post on a DS forum.

Surely chilling is in order :)

May 9th, 2005, 17:28
there is a fine line between "friendly banter" and fighting/flaming, and its usally crossed :/

May 9th, 2005, 18:39
I own both consoles but im just saying that mario 64 ds has more gameplay than any psp title to date

May 9th, 2005, 19:58
I own both consoles but im just saying that mario 64 ds has more gameplay than any psp title to date

what PSP games have you played??

i've just started brotherhood of the blade, and i'm loving it (to coin a McDonalds slogan):D

May 9th, 2005, 19:59
Ridge Racers is like the best racing game i've played in a years. No DS game made it into the top 20 games of 2004 yet Ridger Racers did.

I thought Ridge Racer was out on DS as well as PSP. :confused:

May 9th, 2005, 20:00
there is a fine line between "friendly banter" and fighting/flaming, and its usally crossed :/

we never cross it, we start off on the wrong side :D :eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: :D

May 10th, 2005, 00:24
I own both consoles, and thats how I formed my opinion. I love Nintendo. If Nintendo was a woman, I'd lay her down by the fire and get all freaky with her. But sadly, Nintendo is not a woman. I'm gonna go ahead and say what everyone else is thinking....Nintendo should get out of the hardware market, and start focusing on what they do best....Making great games! Imagine Zelda on PSP or Xbox2....Wait a minute...If PSP and Xbox2 were women, I would..............

May 10th, 2005, 08:26
I own both consoles, and thats how I formed my opinion. I love Nintendo. If Nintendo was a woman, I'd lay her down by the fire and get all freaky with her. But sadly, Nintendo is not a woman. I'm gonna go ahead and say what everyone else is thinking....Nintendo should get out of the hardware market, and start focusing on what they do best....Making great games! Imagine Zelda on PSP or Xbox2....Wait a minute...If PSP and Xbox2 were women, I would..............

getting worried about ya mate :p

I love the idea of the touch screen, but have seen what it looks like after some vigerous play :(

May 10th, 2005, 08:52
To look at it from a different perspective, if my woman was a PSP, what would I like to do eith her???? :D