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View Full Version : PSP Game Maker v 0.6 shell is Out

March 24th, 2007, 00:16
News/release from reanimate:

Ok ive managed to make a generally working compiling and testing lua game maker in C#

its still a bit budget

the LUA compile feature works and so does the test feature in 0.05

0.05 is out with a built in save as and open as feature (still a bit buggy) (woot woot)

work on the visual programming aspects of the game have come along in 0.06

im raking my brian to figure out the code and need help from people who know C#, if your interested then PLZ dont hesitate to help

Working on a Compile as feature where you just select your psp and it save it there for you

working on a way to edit the ICON0 and PIC1 and music etc without using pbpunpacker

New in PSP Game Maker

- @ = update of fix -
- # = bug or 'To Do' -

@ Test Feature is now working

@ It will report to you when you compile it

@ quick test feature

@ Beter GUI with beginings of visual programming support

@ event organiser

v o.06 shell

@ choose between visual programming or normal LUA programming

@ full screen enabled

# still a test and just to see what people want to see in the new release

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March 24th, 2007, 04:15
I know this kind of programs will be very handy for my future...=)