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View Full Version : See Spider Man in Wii video tutorial

March 26th, 2007, 19:50
Spider Man 3 on Wii could be special - it will use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers to let you control Spidey's arms as he swings through the streets of New York.

Controlling each arm individually, you will flick the Nunchuk and press a button to swing on Spidey's left arm, and do the same with the Remote for his right arm.

The video demonstration over on gameinvasion.com (http://gameinvasion.comcast.net/gameinvasion/show/#1854918__spiderman_3/1861065_spiderman_3_wii_demo)shows the controls in action as well as a brief description of how the combat system will work alongside some of the first in-game footage.

Spider-Man 3 is due out on Wii, DS, GBA, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP and 360 in May.

via cvg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=160606)