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View Full Version : No PSone games on UK PS3 store?

March 28th, 2007, 18:28
via gamesradar (http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps3/game/news/article.jsp?sectionId=1006&articleId=20070328152850109066&releaseId=20060314132311609002)

UK PS3 owners may have noticed that downloadable PSone games (for use on PSP) are currently unavailable on the UK store.

Sony has yet to make an official comment on when the first PSone games will become available to PAL gamers, but GamesRadar has today been assured by a SCE UK representative that they are 'on their way', hinting at a rough timetable of a month.

While we're a bit disappointed we couldn't test out the feature on day one, in fairness, US gamers had to wait a similar period before the first wave of titles hit their store.

Whether the software line-up will match that of the US store, including titles like Tekken 2, Cool Boarders and Crash Bandicoot is also yet to be decided, but we're half expecting a few new additions for the Euro launch.

In order to download and play the games when they're released you'll need a PSP and at least a 512Mb Memory Stick - although we'd recommend a 2Gb one as each of the PSone downloads clocks in at around the 400Mb mark.

March 28th, 2007, 18:47
i only got a 1Gb stick ... are the games free? because i cant remmber if they was or not i cant remmber anything about paying

March 29th, 2007, 00:46
i only got a 1Gb stick ... are the games free? because i cant remmber if they was or not i cant remmber anything about paying

$5 to $15


March 29th, 2007, 16:00
oh :( i thought they was gonna b free ... im well disapointed ... if i get any game its gonna be sled storm :P i used 2 play 4 hours wid me dad wen i was lil on dat ... well fun :P