View Full Version : FileFlasher v2.0

March 29th, 2007, 20:17
New release from xpack:

So heres an update to the Lua flasher called FileFlasher. Well this one has added security, now with a flash0 space check it makes sure that there is enough memory in the flash0 to flash the file you want. It also now has the ability to free up flash0 space by removing functions that the user chooses.

Heres a quick list of some changes made.

Changes made in v 2.0
* Checks that there is enough flash0 memory when flashing.
* Allows you to browse your memory stick to decide which files you choose to flash.
* Checks to make sure that the battery level is ok for flashing.
* Checks your PSP unit Firmware version
* Checks your PSP nickname
* Allows you to toggle the USB
* Added some graphics
* Small bugfixes
* Creates backups of the following files:

-- 01-12.bmp (Background)
-- topmenu_plugin.rco (XMB Menu)
-- opening_plugin.rco (Coldboot)
-- gameboot.pmf (Video Clip)
-- system_plugin_bg.rco (XMB Wave Effect)
-- game_plugin.rco (Game Images)
-- impose_plugin.rco (Volume Bars)
-- savedata_plugin.rco (Savedata Images)
-- system_plugin.rco (XMB Click Sounds)
-- system_plugin_fg.rco (Battery Pictures)
-- ltn0.pgf (Font)
* Allows you to delete backups
* Allows you to recover any of the backups.
* Allows you to remove and restore files to save flash0 space
* This program will automatically create backup of all files

Just remember that "Any software that performs modification of flash files of the PSP has the potential to render the subject PSP unit permanently inoperative" This application has been used by me and other testers hundreds of times with no problems at all, but just be warned that there is always a risk and I and Cloudpjff7 are not responsible for anything that may happen your PSP System.

If any problem then please report to either me (xpack) or (cloudpjff7) through a PM or shoot me through an email at [email protected]

Thanks to all people who downloaded this app.
If I get enough support I'll create a tutorial of this app about what each line means and does.

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March 30th, 2007, 00:36
sweet. can it check fw version?

March 30th, 2007, 00:42
I will never trust lua flashers.