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View Full Version : is there any functioning neogeo pocket emu?

March 30th, 2007, 07:53
[e]mulator 0.82f runs perfect but doesn't save and savestate is broken

NGPsp 1.31 runs but is slow without sound and the screen mode isn't that nice.

NeoPOP the last time I hear was apocalyptic was workin on this based on ngpsp's source code but no news till now.

Anyone have any idea of a better neogeo pocket emulator for the PSP or maybe NDS?
I am really lookin forward to play the capcom vs snk cardgame on the go rather than infront of my com

March 30th, 2007, 09:17
im still working on it but laptop still hasn't been fixed, i had a build ready with a rom selector but i tried dual booting with fedora and im getting the MBR on my laptop fixed cos HP doesn't supply recovery discs anymore and they took a week to send em and i havn't recieved them yet (its only been a week since they sent them)

im also doing Year 12 TEE at the moment so coding doesn't take as high a priority (but its still on the list :thumbup:)

Whats coming?

* Rom selector (done)
* Slightly improved sound (starting to see improvements)

Im sorry i keep making these promises but i cant help it if HP are lazy as i am or that Linux sucks :(

That is all :p

March 31st, 2007, 14:54
Good luck with your studies:thumbup: (it does com first)

At least I know the project is still alive and I look forward to your release