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View Full Version : Max Media Player PMP(Upgraded Version) Question

April 2nd, 2007, 01:56
I am interested in getting into DS homebrew. I have heard that the original max media player does not work well. When I was in best buy they had the updated version that comes with a 1gb gba flash cart. Can I run everything on this. I was planning on buying it but I wanted to verify that it is a good choice and know that this is the right place to ask.

Recently, a newer version has been released called "Max Media Player PMP." PMP stands for Personal Media Player. It comes with a Max Media Launcher updated to V1.22, a 'GigaPack', a USB cable, and a CD with the video converter software. The 'Gigapack' is a cartridge aroung the size of a standard GBA cart, with a rounded top. It fits in the original DS, but practically dissappears. It has one Gigabyte of memory (8 Gbit) and has significantly faster loading speeds. The easiest place to buy it is Best Buy, but you may have to ask them to go to the back room to get one.

from http://wiki.pocketheaven.com/MAX_Media_Player

April 2nd, 2007, 18:22
I think you'd be better served to pick up a slot1 M3/R4 and a slot2 M3, but that's just me ;)

April 2nd, 2007, 21:59
I'm getting one tommorow, namely because It's all one package for £19.99 (I already have a CF card for it), and it plays media/is capable of homebrew. While it may not have the best homebrew support, datel always updates with a glance towards this community, and also any big homebrew project will try to be compatible with everything.

April 3rd, 2007, 18:32
Kazayami,where are you purchasing it from?

April 5th, 2007, 09:50
Codejunkies, the company that makes it. I live in the UK, but US citizens can get it cheaper from them (I dont know where you come from)

July 4th, 2007, 21:25
i have one and it rocks go for it
people diss it all the time but it really is good for what you are paying i have no problems with my pmp and besides 1 gig is a lot ive got so much stuff on mine and ive barely used half of it my advice is to buy it

July 4th, 2007, 23:08
I had the 4Gb Max Media Player, it was the biggest mistake I have ever made. Games ran slow due to the DS having to read it off the hard drive. Movies studdered and went out of sync often.

Dont get the Games and Music, I personally dont know much about the New Media Player, but Keep the receipt. When I got the 4GB MMP HDD, I had to take the receipt and talk to the manager at Best But, who gave me a hard time before finally letting me trade it in for the MMD.

If you want Movies and music to run great, get the Max Media Dock (not player), you will have to buy a CF with good speed (not SanDisk Ultra 2), screws up for some reason.

As for games, the MMD will run Snes, Nes, Genesis, and some GB color. But as for NDS games, you will need to patch them, which only works on about 35% of the games out there. Hardly any newer games.

From the research I have been doing, if you want something that will play movies, music, emulators, and almost 100% nds game compatibility, you will have to go with either the M3 or R4.

I'm planning on getting one of them, just can't decide which is better, as you can see from one of my threads.