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View Full Version : Kojima "back to the drawing board" with MGS4

April 2nd, 2007, 20:09
At last weekend's GO3 Electronic Entertainment Expo in Perth, Australia, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima spoke to a keen audience about how he will push the series forward with MGS4 on PS3.

"I went back to the drawing board, back to scratch", he said, according to Gamespot, "and looked at what I did for Metal Gear 1 and 2, and for Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3".

He goes on to explain: "Now I can't make Snake go into space to do his stealth mission, and we've exhausted the concept of the place, so now I thought why not create a situation rather than a place? And then I thought of a battlezone or warzone as the situation where Snake has to sneak in. So MGS4's game concept is playing hide and seek within a certain situation."

Kojima detailed his vision of game that places the player in a the middle of a war between two armies. "To make it very simple, in the past Metal Gears, Snake was going into enemy environments--so everyone apart from Snake was an enemy. This time it's a warzone, so you have country A or country B, so Snake could interfere with either of the countries."

Interestingly, he says that this "does not necessarily mean that everyone is an enemy to Snake", suggesting Snake will have to work with or even sneak past allies - which makes us think of the CIA level in the original Splinter Cell game. "This creates a new tension in playing this new hide and seek," he promises.

Kojima also hopes to give Sony's shiny super console a fair old work out in some interesting ways, "for not only what you can see, but also psychological effects, or psychological battles, where it can affect your gameplay."

MGS4 is bound to kick ass, so whatever "psychological" stuff Kojima is thinking up, we hope he can get it done and whacked onto a Blu-ray disc for us to feed our PS3 with pronto. Q4 2007 is the current ETA.

via cvg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=161245)

April 2nd, 2007, 20:23
Metal Gears : Shadow Moses was ''the'' very best in the MGS serie. Meaby Kojima is bored, but I doubt that making MGS looking more as a modern FPS shooter is a good idea.. There are just too many FPS. Many without descend storyline / character charisma. In that criteria, MGS is unique. A very intense and well build game in every aspects. Yoji Shinkawa's skills gaved to MGS what Splinter Cell is cruely missing ; great looking characters. In terms of storyline.. Both goes in significaly different paths. One playing alot with sci-fiction mecha robots, very japanish ;) . And the other one aiming for some more realistics/politics issues aka : Tom Clancy.

I prefer MGS.

April 3rd, 2007, 01:21
I think the MGS 4 video is deceiving. It purposely throws the viewer into what appears to be an FPS situation, only then to show Snake kill the soldier we were seeing the game as.

I think Kojima may be trying to insinuate that FPS games aren't the only ones that can throw the player into the middle of a battlefield and successfully tell a good story.

April 3rd, 2007, 05:28
ok, but I don't wana lose the infiltration stuff like in shadow moses.. It was awesome.