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View Full Version : Acidmods Strike again

April 3rd, 2007, 02:40
Foofoo posted this news at his site:

This is a mod thats been talked about for some time. It was an idea by replicashooter. An a really good one. Joesnose built a prototype about a month ago but had a some problems with his mobo (hopefully to be sorted soon).

Well I had the parts so decided to give it a try. Really glad I did. This is a much better way to play a psp.

Basically the analogue nub has been modified to act as the dpad, and the dpad has been replaced with a ps2 style analogue joystick. The left trigger is pushed by pressing down on the stick.

I also added a few leds an a clear back plate for style points (as always i got my clear parts from coolmods.co.uk)


More Info (http://www.acidmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=3177)

April 3rd, 2007, 03:30
Having your PSP all lit up like that sort of reminds me of driving with the dome light on in your car at night. Ehhhh, would be a big distraction for me but hey, I guess I see people driving down the road at night with their interior dome lights on every once in a couple of years. :P

April 3rd, 2007, 03:37
AWSOME i love acidmods

April 3rd, 2007, 04:40
uhh you press down to use the left trigger? then how do you move down??

April 3rd, 2007, 04:43
Looks awesome! Bet'd drain the bat though...

April 3rd, 2007, 07:10
they mean u push the analog stick "in" like you do on the ps2?? (ps3) basically it's like the L3 button on ps3 and

April 3rd, 2007, 22:01
who's the first to hate, Not me

April 3rd, 2007, 23:20
awesome but the bright blue lights seem distracting

April 4th, 2007, 00:01
Thats awesome...and Off topic...whats the song playing...i like it. lol

April 4th, 2007, 00:57
this looks siik.... when my solderin skills r on par of these updates, ill try sumthin like this
:D :cool:

April 4th, 2007, 10:37
AWSOME i love acidmods

Same here Buddy, and oh yeah, TACOS RULE:thumbup:

April 4th, 2007, 20:01
whats the first person shotter game?