View Full Version : The Nintendo DS Wishlist

April 4th, 2007, 14:18
via racketboy (http://www.racketboy.com/retro/2007/03/the-nintendo-ds-wishlist.html)

No one can deny that the Nintendo DS is hot right now. And when a game system is hot (especially when its from Nintendo), it can get away with having ports of older games and have them sell well.

Super Mario All-Stars
The GBA had all of the original Super Mario Bros trilogy in one form or another. However, each game is on a separate, relatively expensive cartridge and was restricted to the Gameboy Advance’s limited resolution.

I’m sure there are some purists that would disagree with me, but I personally think it would be incredible if Super Mario All-Stars from the SNES was ported to the DS. For those of you that aren’t familiar with the compilation, Super Mario All-Stars includes a graphically enhanced version of Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3 in addition “The Lost Levels” (which is essentially the original, very challenging Japanese version of Super Mario Bros. 2).

If Nintendo feels especially generous, they could also include a copy of Super Mario World like they did on the later pack-in version of Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES. Anyway, with the success of New Super Mario Bros, I’m sure that a portable re-issue of Super Mario All-Stars would sell like mad on the DS.

Snatcher & Policenauts
Soon after the touch screen abilities of the DS were first shown off, old-school gamers were daydreaming about the possibility of a graphical adventure revival. Early cult classics like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Hotel Dusk: Room 215 have shown that those intuitions were correct.

Hideo Kojima, the man behind Metal Gear Solid, developed two similar “digital comics” back in the 1990’s known as Snatcher and Policenauts. While they aren’t directly related, they are both heavily inspired by some of Kojima’s film favorites. Snatcher has strong cyberpunk influences from movies such as Blade Runner and Terminator, while Policenauts is said to give nods to films such as Lethal Weapon and Basic Instinct.

What makes a port to the DS especially appealing is that the only English version of Snatcher is on the Sega CD, which needless to say, limited its exposure to the mainstream gaming audience. Policenauts could benefit even more more a new release in the US as there has not been an official English release on any platform.

After the huge success of the Metal Gear Solid franchise, Kojima has much more clout in the gaming industry. Combine that with the rebirth of the graphical adventure on the DS platform and a Snatcher and Policenauts remake should be a recipe for success.

As I reported a while ago, there have actually been some rumors about Snatcher coming to the DS after Kojima expressed some interest in bringing the game to a portable platform and the renewing of the Snatcher trademark.

Namco Museum/Pac-Man Collection/Pac-Man vs.
Ok, so most people would see a Namco Museum compilation on the store shelf and instantly go into a yawn-fest. But I still have a soft spot for the Namco Museum and Pac-Man Collection Gameboy Advance cartridges. These budget releases serve as an excellent little retro getaway that would be even better if I could run them on my DS Lite with the ability to close up the handheld and put it to sleep in between rounds.

To make this new compilation a bit more exciting, I think it would be incredible if Namco teamed up with Nintendo again to make a DS version of the the under-appreciated Pac-Man vs. game from the Gamecube. Pac-Man vs. was actually a project of Shigeru Miyamoto, the mastermind behind Mario, Zelda, and most of Nintendo’s most successful game. It lets up five players battle it out in a Pac-Man “simulation”. One person take the role of Pac-Man while the others possess the ghosts and team up on Pac-Man.

Pac-Man Vs. is a surreal but engaging experience that can’t adequately be explained in a short summary. Just trust me when I tell you that with the DS’s wifi capabilities, Pac-Man vs. would be a perfect mulitplayer title.

Metroid 2 / Super Metroid
The Gameboy Advance had great success with Metroid Fusion and then Metroid: Zero Mission (a remake of the original Metroid), so it would be ideal to bring the other Metroid games the a newer portable platform to complement them. Metroid 2: Return of Samus would probably be the most logical choice as it was only available on the original monochrome Gameboy and is probably the least played installment of the Metroid franchise..

Not only could Metroid 2 greatly benefit from a graphical and audio upgrade, but without the use of emulators, the only way to play the game on the go is on an original GB, GBC, or GBA. No DS support for the old Gameboy carts, my friends.

Super Metroid would also be also be great as I haven’t been able to play enough of it yet. Bringing to the DS would definitely help me out since my GP2X can’t emulate it well enough yet. Having every 2D Metroid game playable on the DS would be simply incredible.

Sega Genesis Collection
Old-school compilations don’t usually get much attention by the media or the average gamer, but the Sega Genesis collection was filled with enough high-quality 16-bit classics to be called one of the best compilations of all time and a much better value than buying just a few games on the Wii’s Virtual Console.

Unfortunately, the Sega Genesis collection was only released on the Playstation 2 and the PSP. Sega recently committed to moving their focus from the PSP to the DS (now that the DS is printing money for Nintendo), so maybe this port has a strong possibility.

Much like Sega did with the Sonic Mega Collections, maybe they will add a few extra games for a DS release. The original Genesis collection included almost every great Sega franchise on their 16-bit platform, but the addition complete Shinobi collection in addition to both Shining Force games would make the compilation a dream come true.

Right now, most of my gaming on my GP2X is running a Genesis emulator. But, if a Sega Genesis Collection was released on the DS, I would buy it immediately and my GP2X would probably sit at home much more often.

Wario Land Compilation
Much like MattG from PressTheButtons, I met up with Wario back when he was a platforming star on the original Gameboy. I found the Wario Land games to be an interesting alternative to standard Mario games as they included a bit more humor and puzzle-solving. All the different power-ups gave Wario Land a bit more variety that the portable Mario games at the time.

Like Metroid 2, its getting harder to play these old Gameboy games on current hardware and it’s a shame that the newer generation is missing out on these gems.

In addition to the three Wario Land games on the Gameboy, there was also an relatively-unnoticed, but high-quality Wario Land 4 on the Gameboy Advance. Even though it wasn’t promoted much by Nintendo, it remained one of the best platformers on the GBA.

It would be cool if they could package all four games on a single DS cart, but it would be even nicer if they did a graphical upgrade on the older games. “Super Wario All-Stars”, anyone?

New Super Mario Bros. 2
MattG PressTheButtons also had a really great idea for an original DS game that would serve as a follow-up to the very popular New Super Mario Bros. But instead of continuing with the traditional Mario gameplay, Nintendo would go back to the Super Mario Bros 2. (Doki Doki Panic) action, complete with turnip-throwing goodness.

Would it be quite as successful? Possibly not. But I think Nintendo is currently in the position to take some fun risks with some trademark franchises that could give the gaming community something new to talk about.

Honorable Mentions:
Lumines - The DS has the incredible Meteos, but it would be cool to have the other puzzler from Q! Entertainment that was so popular on the PSP.
Capcom Classics Collection - Another retro compilation that went to the PSP that has some great classics.

April 4th, 2007, 14:25
I would like to see a Sega Genesis Collection for DS :)

April 4th, 2007, 14:27
I'd doubt Metroid 2 or Wario Land collection would ever come out on DS. Would love to see Virtual Console DS. I nice little little device that plugs into the GBA slot, has about 2gig memory and connects to a Nintendo online service so you could buy GB/GBC/GBA/GG/Lynx/NGPC and all those.

April 4th, 2007, 15:06
I'd like to see a reimagining of the old monster sports series ;)

April 5th, 2007, 00:07
hmmm cabal ds, cannon fodder ds, super smash tv, all with touch screen used!

oh did i forget to mention SyndicateDS

April 5th, 2007, 00:49
Metroid2 and Pac man Would be so cool

April 5th, 2007, 01:12

I would like to see Densha de go! DS (train simulator) someone got any clue if something is planned?


April 5th, 2007, 01:49
I would love to see a remake of Transport Tycoon

April 5th, 2007, 03:07
We really need either a Genesis Collection or VCDS. Or either a release of a Genesis emu with sound (Yeah, I'm dreaming again...).

April 5th, 2007, 04:39
Civilization call to power, Klonoa, another animal crossing...I want em all!!!!

April 5th, 2007, 15:06
For eons, I have been a die-hard fanatic of Metroid II (don't ask), and I would love to see a remake of the game with the same care that went into NSMB or Zero Mission (or maybe a bit more than that one...).

A Wario Land Collection idea makes me salivate. I LOVED the original, appreciated the second release, enjoyed the third, and liked the fourth. Even if I had to pay US$40 to get all four in one place (or is it all FIVE, since there are technically two Wario Land II versions?), I would still buy it, despite owning all but the original GB version of Wario Land II.

A NSMB2 taking inspiration from SMB2 is an amusing idea, but instead of a whole game that takes that approach, I would rather see a few sprinklings of said idea, adding in a few sprinkles of elements from SMB3 and SMW. Just make sure to keep it basic, as the more enjoyable and easy to learn the Mario game, the more systems and copies sold. ^^;

As far as other collections, I do worry with the DS. Konami recently proved that you can churn out a classic compilation on the DS WITHOUT USING THE TOUCH SCREEN OR TWO SCREENS FOR UPDATED CONTENT. Add in the dimensions of the DS screens, and you have issues. Would not turn down a Genesis 32X or PC Engine collections, but with the Wii's VC eating up that share of the market, it is unlikely that such a collection would appear, at least at this phase of the DS/Wii's lifespan.

On a final note, I would like to see a couple Sega 32X games on the Wii/DS. Reason being, despite the majority of the crap that appeared on this system, a few GOOD games showed up, including great versions of Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter (which I own), and Darxide (which was a PAL-only release that I sampled in ROM form, and could easily best early PSOne shooters - no joke).


April 6th, 2007, 01:17
Ive been thinking long time ago about a new super mario bros 3, the old classic, with the style of new super mario bros, gosh that would be freaking sweet

April 6th, 2007, 04:32
Air Zonk


April 6th, 2007, 05:02
I'm going to say Lucas Arts must make another Zombies Ate my Neighbors game with the same engine just better graphics. And...;]....A decent level designer.

And I wish somehow there could be a bunch of APOGEE and other good Dos games collection. With games like
Duke Nukem
Commander Keen
Cosmo the Alien
Jill of the Jungle
Halloween Harry
That would be enough for me if you had all the sequals to the games in one bundle.