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View Full Version : Rumor: Loco Roco Coming To PS3

April 8th, 2007, 22:09
Kotakuite Spence sends in this interesting tidbit about the possibility of Loco Roco coming to the PS3. It seems that during Phil Harrison's keynote speech at this year's GDC, an eagle eyed NeoGAF forum poster noticed a Loco Roco achievement trophy within the Home demonstration.

Now, Spence has found an ad for an upcoming edition of PSM3 magazine in this month's edition of UK's EDGE magazine. I know, it's all a little confusing. But, suffice it to say that the ad is touting a feature called "Future of PS3" and shows a bunch of hand drawn Loco Roco blobs with the line "Loco Roco - PS3!" written underneath them in huge letters. Now obviously this isn't rock solid proof of the game appearing on the PS3, but it certainly does give one hope. All will be revealed when the issue of PSM3 in question hits UK shelves on April 12.

via kotaku (http://kotaku.com/gaming/loco-roco/rumor-loco-roco-coming-to-ps3-250569.php)