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View Full Version : Dosbox 10/04/2007 - Dos Emu for PSP

April 10th, 2007, 12:47
CrazyC (http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3179&start=60) has released a new version of Dosbox for the PSP, heres the release details:

New patch (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox.patch.gz) and binary (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox). Fixed the audio somewhat and switched to the scummvm ym3182 emulator. Also, made the x87 use single floats instead of double, this will probably cause problems with some apps, but should be a lot faster with programs that use the fpu frequently. The 16 color vga modes now use 4bpp textures, not much of a speed improvement here though because converting the data from planer to packed is cpu intensive; if any has any ideas how to speed this up, right now it uses a lookup table , I'd like to hear them.

Now heres where it gets complicated you need dosbox 0.60 files and somehow join it all together.

yep so compilcated isnt the word :)

If any Dosbox experts can assemble this into an image of sorts then please feel free. It would be awesome to see how much better this version is over releases from the last year.

April 10th, 2007, 12:51
I'm glad to see the project is still alive.

April 10th, 2007, 14:09
I'm glad to see the project is still alive.


April 10th, 2007, 14:19
So long as we know how to use it? lol.

I'm happy to see its still being worked on :D.

April 10th, 2007, 14:41
Thats great i cant wait till this app works full speed

April 10th, 2007, 14:57
What great news that is, thanks CrazyC.
Sure I can't help with speed improvement as I'm just a learning guy at the moment. But I would like to request a possibility for the PSP Dosbox to let the user customize the 3 remaining keygroups of p-sprint via a config file, if that'd be possible, it would be great!

Thumbs way up for you work

-- MK2k

April 10th, 2007, 15:01
But... Nobody tried this right?

I'm sure of that, because it's in ELF format :D

I will try to assemble it. Nothin' guaranteed, though. Now, I don't have any linux on my PC, so I can't run the patch on the dosbox files.
Let's hope that the binary alone will work fine.

April 10th, 2007, 15:02
sappo: wrong. Getting a PBP out of the elf is not that hard. Just tweaking the dosbox.conf at the moment :)

-- MK2k

April 10th, 2007, 15:20
are you the MK2K from qj ?

if only theme park or C&C was playable through this release. lets hope so eh ;)

April 10th, 2007, 15:39
sappo: wrong. Getting a PBP out of the elf is not that hard. Just tweaking the dosbox.conf at the moment :)

-- MK2k

Yeah, everyone could do that converting it with ELF2PBP ;)

But you're wrong, it can also be used without converting it ;)

April 10th, 2007, 16:20
my "sappo: wrong" was for your statement "But... Nobody tried this right?" :D

wraggster: yes, i tend to hang around there too

-- MK2k

April 10th, 2007, 16:51
Mabey I can see Apogee Sidescrollers playable in the future. BioMenace :]

April 10th, 2007, 16:51
Wasn't this the problem with the last version of dosbox for psp?

April 10th, 2007, 17:04
cool im glad this is getting worked on

April 10th, 2007, 18:28

here my eboot compilation


Simply put the Dosbox_psp and Dosbox_psp% folders in game150.

Then use the keyboard mapping Gif to enter letters and digits painlessly.

Ingame, use the joystick as the mouse.

In the bottom of the dosbox.conf file in DosBox_psp folder, put the path of your dos game folder. The defaut path is ''mount c ms0:/psp''

example : mount c ms0:/psp/game/dos

in the dos folder, put every game wanted, I tried Al-qadim

so after copy-paste al-qadim content in a folder called al-qadim in the dos folder I went in dosbox and typed :

c: (start)

dir (start)

gived me a list of folder:

al-qadim ... file size

then I typed : cd al-qadim


then, it showed up the content of al-qadim folder..

I typed : sinstall.exe since its the name of the install utility for this game.

when the installation was completed I returned to the dos black screen.

I went back in the al-qadim folder, and I typed : genie.bat

genier.exe would certandly work to.

Simple as that. type help in dosbox to get the command list.

Al-qadim run at something like 10 fps sec. but I didn't used the speed up cycles command yet.

April 10th, 2007, 19:52
how do i type : and what are the co,lor coded key meAnings111111

April 10th, 2007, 20:05
Excellent stuff! Initially the games I tried (with Adlib music) stuttered like mad, but setting cycles to 600 and the frameskip to 5 made a big difference.

Only one question, really - is there a way to emulate the cursor keys? Some games don't offer the mouse as a control option.

April 10th, 2007, 20:21
how do i type : and what are the co,lor coded key meAnings111111

use this keymap :


let say you wana type a ''d''

you do right dpad arrow 2 times.

let say you wana type a ''T''

you do square then Triangle.

white symbol then green one.

hold triangle,press up, release both, press left, will give '':''

For keyboard arrows :

Arrow keys are garbled somehow in this dosbox version and seem to be mapped in group 1 rather than 2 (hold left and press cross to activate or deactivate group 1, hold up and press cross to activate or deactivate group 2):

triangle,up: left
up,right: right
right, up: up
up,left: down

left,left: insert

and they are in group 1 instead of group 2


Do you mean the input mapping? I wrote it to be used with batch files, somthing like this:

INPUTMAP right right
INPUTMAP down down
INPUTMAP left left
INPUTMAP triangle w
INPUTMAP square a
INPUTMAP cross s
INPUTMAP circle d
INPUTMAP start enter
INPUTMAP select esc
SYSOPT clock 333
INPUTMAP exec doom2

(not that doom2 is playable, you'd be much better off with the psp port)

April 10th, 2007, 20:37
thank you sorry 4 seeming pushy!!!! :) :) :)

April 10th, 2007, 21:21
How can I install MS DOS 6.0 to my PSP Flash with this !?
Thank you

April 10th, 2007, 21:30
Thank you CRAZYC! Please! Please! Please! continue work on this. I am in desperate need to play the old Sierra adventure titles on my PSP.

Also I am at work, can anyone test one of the early sierra VGA adventure games? (Space Quest, Quest for Glory, King's Quest)


IM back!
April 10th, 2007, 21:38
How can I install MS DOS 6.0 to my PSP Flash with this !?
Thank you

are nuts!? this is a emulator dos isn't native on the psp puting it on flash 0 would mean PSP death!

April 10th, 2007, 21:50
Is there any way to prevent the sound from skipping?

April 10th, 2007, 22:25
yes, disable sound. :P

If you improve cpu cycle amount too much, sound will skip.

With dosxbox, dos emulator for xbox, you can speed up cpu cycles up to 7500. CPU cycles of dosbox for psp is 1800 by defaut. I don't know how much we can tweak up that setting with the psp..

April 10th, 2007, 22:25
glad this is up and running again :D

michael chan
April 10th, 2007, 23:14
oo thx, i hope skyroads work

April 11th, 2007, 00:06
So, this is working better then the others yes? Does DOSBOX run windows 95 yet? Maybe someone should disassemble Microsoft Virtual PC and port that, but I'm not sure if that would be possible.

April 11th, 2007, 00:10
this thing still has ways to go before perfection, but it takes time and i respect that, good job man, keep working on this for us plz? we love our classics :P

April 11th, 2007, 01:19
Awesome really glad this is still been worked on! I wonder if this means one day i could play fallout again but on my psp :) I'm rubbish with dos tho. Probably a long way off but is there scope for a dosbox gui in the future?

April 11th, 2007, 02:57
It's good to hear this' still getting some attention. Ever since I started using homebrew on my PSP I've wanted to play Space Quest 5 on it. Now I might get a chance after all :P.

April 11th, 2007, 03:04
:) Glad someone made an eboot :)

Im going to start a compatibility thread because there are so many games that are really kicking in and maybe we could sort out some way of making config files for every game or a compatibility list (If one isnt started )

IM back!
April 11th, 2007, 03:48
cool i just tryed the rts game die siedler ll and it works! only like 3fps thow

April 11th, 2007, 04:45
It would help to know how far the psp CPU cycles can be tweaked up. On the xbox portage, dosbox can gives you 5-10 fps more by setting cycles from 4500 (defaut) to 7500. The gui stop you from getting higher than that. But, with the notepad form of the configs of dosbox for psp, you can't know how far you should go..

frame skip and no sound helps too.

April 11th, 2007, 16:51
This thing REALLY needs a Graphic Keyboard like PSPUAE.

This integrated keyboard thing it's atrocious.

EDIT: New version released, with a new configuration command!

April 11th, 2007, 19:16
I completely agree about the graphic keyboard. The current mapping of keys is complicated. How difficult would it be to impliment a graphic keyboard like PSPUAE?

Or could you map "right" the d-pad to scroll through letters, "left" on the d-pad as backspace, and "up" on the d-pad to scroll through symbols. x as left mouse click, circle as right mouse click.

I have been able to to figure out the current mapping but I think either of the options that I have mentioned above may help the "average user" use this great project. Once again thank you crazyc! and Belthasar00!

April 12th, 2007, 03:59
Hey Weaver14something, .. You can play the sierra games on your PSP using the Atari ST emulator Castaway!!

April 12th, 2007, 16:18
I'm really glad it's being worked on, but the Alone in the Dark didn't work for me. I got to the set up screen of the game and for some reason it went right back to the command screen in dosbox...

April 12th, 2007, 16:29
jurkevicz: before complaining about unworking games, check the compatibility list on dosbox.sourceforge.net. The entry for AITD is: http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/comp_list.php?showID=219&letter=a
and thus can easily be checked that AITD isn't runable on Dosbox 0.60, so it's VERY unlikely that it would run on a Dosbox 0.60 Port.

-- MK2k

April 12th, 2007, 17:16
Thanks for the link, I didn't know there was a compatibility list. I wasn't complaining, it was just an observation since I didn't know about the list I know how dificult it is to make an emulator. But great work though, I hope it get more updates.

April 12th, 2007, 17:32
Does anyone know how you type in a number using that keyboard? I am having difficulty using arrow keys as well. I got pharaohs tomb working but I could only jump and couldnt move left and right!

April 12th, 2007, 19:17
Does anyone know how you type in a number using that keyboard? I am having difficulty using arrow keys as well. I got pharaohs tomb working but I could only jump and couldnt move left and right!

In theory, just create a batch file that remaps the input as posted earlier on these boards:

INPUTMAP right right
INPUTMAP down down
INPUTMAP left left
INPUTMAP triangle lctrl
INPUTMAP square lalt
INPUTMAP cross y
INPUTMAP circle n
INPUTMAP start enter
INPUTMAP select esc
INPUTMAP exec ...

(Replace ... with the relevant program name to launch, eg dn1 for Duke Nukem I)

However, trying that on my PSP just causes DOSBox to bomb! I've posted over on the PS2Dev forums just in case I'm missing something obvious...

April 12th, 2007, 19:41
He has updated the binary and patch over at ps2dev.org, I think a couple of times. I have NO idea how to compile it, Ive been using Belthasar00 eboots that he compiled, can someone compile the latest one?

Link for BIN: http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3179&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60

Space Quest 1 VGA Remake
Space Quest 4 CD version
Space Quest 5
King's Quest 5 CD version
King's Quest 6 CD version (some audio errors, unlike other CD versions)
Gabriel Knight CD version
Police Quest 1 VGA Remake
Police Quest 3
Quest for Glory VGA Remake
Quest for Glory 3
Quest for Glory 4 CD Version
Leisure Suit Larry VGA Remake
Leisure Suit Larry 5
Conquest of the Longbow
Freddy Pharkus Frontier Pharmicist
Laura Bow - Colonels Bequest
Laura Bow - Dagger of Amon Ra
Rex Nebular
Sherlock Holmes - Case of the Serrated Scalpel

These were all tested on the EBOOTS compiled by Belthasar which is NOT the most recent Bin from CrazyC (the author) I will be happy to continue to test all of these games and MORE! If someone could please either tell me or, compile for me the latest BIN, and patch from CrazyC as I have no idea how! Thanks.

April 12th, 2007, 22:33
These were all tested on the EBOOTS compiled by Belthasar which is NOT the most recent Bin from CrazyC (the author) I will be happy to continue to test all of these games and MORE! If someone could please either tell me or, compile for me the latest BIN, and patch from CrazyC as I have no idea how! Thanks.

i just saw that on ps2dev :

The dosbox binary is ready to go. Just rename it to EBOOT.PBP and put it in the appropriate directory. I use psplink to load it so that why I didn't rename it.

In order to get the last version working, you must remplace the eboot.pbp in the Dosbox folder (don'T touch the % one) with the 700 ko binary renamed in eboot.pbp

April 12th, 2007, 22:47
100K over there just walked me through it. Thanks for the heads up. How are everyone elses tests gamewise going? I would love to hear about some other games that are/arent working.

April 13th, 2007, 16:29
INPUTMAP results in an "illegal command" statement if you do a "SET PATH=c:\blablubb" within dosbox.conf. Took me some tries to figure that out ;D

Finally Tank Wars on the PSP yay! \o/

-- MK2k

May 28th, 2007, 05:09
can someone compile this version please? The other person who compiled it doesnt have a working link