View Full Version : MGM and UA On Board iTunes Now, First 720p Movies in the Offing?

April 11th, 2007, 19:36
via gizmodo (http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/home-entertainment/mgm-and-ua-on-board-itunes-now-first-720p-movies-in-the-offing-251440.php)

Something's afoot on the iTunes store. First we notice MGM/United Artists (MGM/UA) movies start showing up on the store in the New Releases area, with a few MGM flicks on board, albeit moldy oldies such as Mad Max, Rocky, Dances with Wolves and Robocop. United Artists (which is actually an MGM company) so far checks in with just one movie, the don't-forget-to-miss-it Ronin. Slim pickings so far, but added to the current iTunes list of movies from Lionsgate, Paramount and Disney, at least it's a little better.

At the same time, the free Washington Post video wonkcast is now offered up on the iTunes store in 720p. Sure, Apple has served up quite a few trailers in HD on its website, but could this be foreshadowing of 720p-ness to come on iTunes? Strangely enough, 720p needs to be down-rezzed to play back on an iPod. But 720p offerings give one more good reason to consider the Apple TV hardware, which after all, is capable of that lowest HD rez.

What will happen next?