View Full Version : Cell Phone Powered By Urine

July 18th, 2013, 21:13
The newest source of battery power for your cell phone (http://info.uwe.ac.uk/news/uwenews/news.aspx?id=2598) is both cheap and abundant. Scientists report that microbial fuel cells using human urine can directly power a cell phone battery (http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2013/07/scienceshot-urine-powered-cell-p.html?ref=hp). However, the devices are not quite portable enough to come in handy during a marathon pub crawl. One consists of six, 4-inch-long ceramic cylinders; the other is a network of 25 smaller fuel cells borrowed from the team's waste-fueled EcoBot. And urine-powered conversations would have to be short and sweet. After 24 hours of charging, a Samsung phone stayed alive for 25 minutes—enough to send several texts and make a 6-minute, 20-second call.
