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View Full Version : InXile delays Wasteland 2

July 20th, 2013, 23:52
InXile has announced that its Kickstarter-funded RPG Wasteland 2 will not be released in October as originally planned.
As InExile lead Brian Fargo explained in a statement: "One of the unique aspects to our crowd funding campaign is that we greatly overfunded which is wonderful in allowing us to create a larger experience, one that is in fact quite epic in size. It could well be the largest RPG I have worked on to date."
http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/dir_2812/image_281202_460.jpg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/viewer.php?id=281202&mode=article)While the game won't make its October release in finished form, backers will still get their hands on it that month in the form of a beta test.
"You have helped make this game a reality and you will be with us to the end in shaping the final piece through your comments," said Fargo of the beta.
"Once the beta testing begins in October and once we have enough feedback from testing, we can evaluate where we're at and set a new release date," he went on. "By that stage, over ten thousand of our backers will have gotten to play the game with us. In the end, quality comes before everything and fortunately the backers have been in line with us to make sure we get it right."
Read Fargo's full statement via the game's Kickstarter page (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2/posts/544063).
Wasteland 2 is based in the same universe as its 1988 predecessor, which is credited as a spiritual successor to the Fallout series.
The sequel's Kickstarter campaign raised more than $3 million dollars last year (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/344093/wasteland-2-raises-over-3-million/). Wasteland 2 will include the original Wasteland (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/357494/wasteland-2-will-now-include-the-original-game/), which was widely credited with kick starting the post apocalyptic RPG genre.
