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View Full Version : Celestial Cunning v0.2

April 16th, 2007, 15:57
Slicer4ever has released a new version of his WIP homebrew rts for the PSP:

readme for celestial cunning
coded by slicer4ever
models by slicer4ever
thanks to people at qj.net for helping figure out some bugs
thanks to person who ported the 3d tuts over at psp-programming.com

-now units are built instead of instant building
-main menu
-map maker
-support for maybe 10 maps(see other notes)
-slight tweeks to ai

wanna help design models:
don't bother i work on my own time so i don't wanna burden any1 with the job

main menu-
X-choose selection

in game-
out of menu-
X-choose object
X-(with drone to mine)
X-(choose to attack target(not encoded until next update)
X-move object to position
O-unselect object

L-use quick commands(not encoded(next update))
R-(hold)enter menu

in menu-
X-enter the selected menu(actions,minimap,info )
/\-go back to choose a menu(actions,minimap,info )
M-minimap(only shows objects dots)--more encoded by next ver
text says what the icons are(see below for more in depth of icons)
X-enter construction menu or use icon
construction menu-
text say what the icons are and there cost
X-build object
name - name of object and number
hull - basically health if this hits 0 or less and your unit dies
power - attack power
shields - shields over your ship(hull goes down after this hits 0 or less)
kills - number of kills ur unit has made(not encoded)

analog move cursor(red square starts under screen so push up to find it)
ummm...there might have been a couple of controls i have missed so just try it out

command ship(builds drone)-can not build another(future updates u well)
drone(mines well attack if command is used)-cost: 50
constructor(constructs ships)-cost: 150
small fighter(fighter class ship)-cost: 100
equinox(stronger fighter class ship)-cost: 250

spacial anomalies:
not encoded(ver 3 or 4)

attack-well use long range sensors to search for units to attack
note: well slow down program for a split sec
patrol-yellow cursor choose two positions and unit well move between them
construct-icon name says it
mining-drones only well usually find closest mine and auto mine from it
link up(1st function)-if your unit is mining choose this to get all other non mining drones to mine
link up(2nd function)-if your unit is attacking choose this to get all other non attacking units(fighter class) to attack your unit
feature plans for link up: choose units not mining or attacking and have them find another unit and link up to them
also note if your unit is attacked it well auto link up to your other units not fightering for support

defends itself
it well attack once it has acumulated enough units(not tested as i could not wait that long)
defends other units of itself

other notes:
ai sucks and i mean sucks(but is improving)
attacks with "photon torpedoes"
attack search has been improved but long range attack search so slow down is not to much
some times it slows and crashes my psp(it has also seen much abuse over the last couple of years)

theres a bunch of bugs....i know so don't bother reporting them unless if it is a crash bug
which then report everything you did to me so i can try to fix it
can select as many maps as u want although i did not encode it so it scrolls down(next ver)
to make maps see map maker documentation
program exits after game and doesn't go back to main menu

to install:
for 1.5:
copy the 2 folders from the 1.5 folder to X:/psp/game/
where X is your psp drive
for 1.0:
copy the folder from the 1.0 folder to X:/psp/game/
NOTE: if you can't figure out how to install this then some1 should hit you with a stupid stick

hope you guys enjoy for now as i got still a lot of work and i've already put a lot into it=-)

also i don't think i left out anything so....just in case sorry

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via slicer4ever (http://forums.qj.net/showpost.php?p=1508537&postcount=1)

April 16th, 2007, 16:40

April 16th, 2007, 20:13
this game is really good.
and s34mus you prolly dont want a screen shot because of the obnoucually horrible graphics.
(they are 3d though)

IM back!
April 16th, 2007, 22:12
its shaping up!

April 16th, 2007, 22:19
its shaping up!

unlike its petetic graphics with no textures so i cant even see whats what

IM back!
April 17th, 2007, 00:12
unlike its petetic graphics with no textures so i cant even see whats what

I don't see your point