View Full Version : Nokia: Microsoft Must Evolve To Make Windows Phone a Success

July 26th, 2013, 22:47
Microsoft's priorities are Windows, Office, Xbox, and Surface. Windows Phone is no where near the top and that is the main reason why it has failed to make the impact many hoped for in the three years it has been around. While Microsoft can take the hit and play the long-game, the same cannot be said for Nokia, the other main player in the eco-system. While it has done all it can to evolve the platform, it needs Microsoft to step up and begin innovating. Bryan Biniak, Nokia VP, agrees: 'We are trying to evolve the cultural thinking [at Microsoft] to say 'time is of the essence.' (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/494885/20130726/nokia-microsoft-needs-evolve-windows-phone-succeed.htm) Waiting until the end of your fiscal year when you need to close your targets, doesn't do us any good when I have phones to sell today.'"
