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View Full Version : Zorbital Green 3.40OE-A XMB Theme 100% JPN Compatible

April 20th, 2007, 17:50
This is my first attempt at putting together a theme.
Much credit to Evolve and his friends for the excellent Icons, Battery Meter, and Volume Bar. They are from his Orbital Theme. I simply converted them with the new JPN 3.30 topmenu RCO.

If anyone can convert the Battery Meter and Volume bars into a matching green for me, I'll update asap!

The wallpaper is from pspwallpapers.com, and I'm not sure who the original author was, but I modified it to be green and have placeholders for the icons. This is where I spent the most time. (Changed for 3.40!)


April 22nd, 2007, 14:48
cool, i think it looks snazy

April 22nd, 2007, 14:50
I think i am turning into the Hulk..

Too much green for my liking but its still good.

Nice work.

April 25th, 2007, 07:15
Awesome! I love the buttons. I am using the dark green theme supplied with the PSP. Thanks! This is actually the first theme that worked for me, out of 10. ;)