View Full Version : Video of V-BOX in action

April 21st, 2007, 04:17
Following our news (http://reviews.dcemu.co.uk/xcm-to-release-first-ever-usb-vga-box-for-wii-60139.html) of Team Xtender releasing the first USB based VGA box for the Nintendo Wii, they have now released a video of the V-BOX in action.


Source: Team Xtender (http://www.teamxtender.com/)

April 21st, 2007, 20:31
I'm not intending to threadcrap, but how is this different than a standard external USB tv card?

April 21st, 2007, 21:01
From the pictures of the V-BOX, one end connects to the Wii and the other end is a USB. I dont know how this is different from a external USB TV card but this is specifically for the Wii. Hopefully I can get my hands on one for review.