View Full Version : A Request To gdf

April 23rd, 2007, 19:59
Do you think you could write a few tuts for GIMP, I had PhotoImpact 10 before and I used that but I haven't got it any more :( , but I really want to know how you make them kickass sigs.

Pretty Please, :o .

EDIT: My First Attempt:


EDIT2: My second go, I made this using tutorials, all of it was hand made (except the render),


April 23rd, 2007, 23:31
If you want tutorials, check out the gimptalk forums. They have the most tutorials I've seen so far.

April 24th, 2007, 05:03
Well back in December I had made this (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=46209&highlight=Gimp)

It's not much, I could prolly do more now but...Im using Photoshop now...

April 24th, 2007, 17:00
I saw Gimp-talk and thats how I made the sigs above.