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View Full Version : A Year of Linux Desktop At Westcliff High School

July 31st, 2013, 20:02
"Around a year ago, a school in the southeast of England, Westcliff High School for Girls Academy (WHSG), began switching itsstudent-facing computers to Linux, with KDE providing the desktop software (http://opensource.com/education/13/7/linux-westcliff-high-school). The school's Network Manager, Malcolm Moore, contacted us at the time. Now, a year on, he got in touch again to let us know how he and the students find life in a world without Windows."And they didn't even meet much resistance: "Younger students accept it as normal. Older students can be a little less flexible. There are still a few that are of the view that I can get rid of Microsoft Word when I can pry it from them. Staff are the same (although it is surprisingly not age-related). Some are OK and some hate it. Having said that, an equal number hate Windows 7 and nobody liked Windows 8. I think the basic problem is that Windows XP is a victim of its own success. It works fairly well from a user point of view, it's been around practically forever, and people don't like change, even some students, oddly
