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View Full Version : no$sns v1.5

August 1st, 2013, 13:14
via http://www.aep-emu.de/

Nocash (http://nocash.emubase.de/) has released a new version of his SNES (http://www.aep-emu.de/Sections-req-viewarticle-artid-15.html)/SFC emulator/debugger for Windows.

Hi, I´ve just released version 1.5 of the no$sns SNES (http://www.aep-emu.de/Sections-req-viewarticle-artid-15.html) emulator/debugger:

The biggest news is improved rendering: The emu is now preserving the original SNES (http://www.aep-emu.de/Sections-req-viewarticle-artid-15.html) pixel aspect ratio, supports fullscreen mode, and hardware acceleration for display stretching should be now working on most PCs (big thanks to Dwedit and lidnariq for testing a dozen of beta versions with opengl (http://www.opengl.org/) rendering on several different computers and OSes). Note: The new HW acceleration is disabled by default (on older can computers it can be getting useless slow). Best pick the rendering mode that works best for (if they are working, then DirectDraw and OpenGL (http://www.opengl.org/) should be fastest and smoothest).

Other news are a new help engine (that works with newer windows versions), a bunch of bugfixes and details, including exotic stuff like better SFC-Box emulation, support for copyprotected ´bootlegs´, and support for an odd multicart mapper. Plus more pinouts and MAD-1/MAD-R logic tables (thanks to SkinnyV for running a lot of MAD-R tests). Btw. the http://nocash.emubase.de/fullsnes.htm doc is also updated.

30 Jul 2013) - fullscreen, aspect ratio, better/faster zooming, bugfixes/details

30 Jul 2013 - no$sns v1.5
* help: added note on starting multiple hdma´s midframe in different scanlines
* bugfix: mirror SRAM from 700000h to F00000h, but NOT to F08000h (thanks byuu)
* midframe hdma: init "snes_hdma_not_pause_flgs" during vblank (super ghouls)
* help: cleaned up memory/dma chapters, added basic LoROM/HiROM mapping chapters
* emu: added support for rare LoROM games with more than 32K SRAM (eg. Dezaemon)
* help: added cx4 pinouts (thanks qwertymodo) and cx4 memory map (thanks byuu)
* commandline: looks in current directory before ´slot´ directory (for lidnariq)
* video/zoom: fullscreen option (toggle via context menu; by right mouse button)
* video/zoom: software: supports odd ratios, mmx-based horizontal blur/resample
* video/zoom: opengl: SwapBuffers, SubImage2d, DblBuffer, PixFmtScoring, Speedup
* gui: created own help engine (instead of microcrap´s suicidal windows .hlp)
* game window: displays current zoom factor in caption (during sizing)
* game window: optionally square pixels, or real PAL/NTSC pixel aspect ratios
* game window: allows free sizing (with snapping near N*100% zoom factors)
* sfcbox: removed dummy OSD font (real SFC-Box character set is dumped now)
* controls: divides snes-mouse resolution by game-window-zoom-factor
* icon: simplified snes (http://www.aep-emu.de/Sections-req-viewarticle-artid-15.html) button/logo icon, at 12x12,16x16,32x32,48x48 pix sizes
* help/emu: sfcbox: added io-port-mirrors and values for unknown/unused io-bits
* help/emu: sfcbox: osd character zoom, osd background/outline styles
* help/emu: sfcbox: cpu hd64180 traps (most) invalid hd64180 opcodes
* help/emu: gsu mirrors/openbus, gsu multiply speed, r15+irq on stop opcode
* a22i: added argonaut gsu assembler (via .argonaut and .native/.nocash syntax)
* emu: avoids break on nested event-handling within hdma (for buggy kof2000)
* cartloader: clips corrupt sram/xram/flash header values to reasonable sizes
* cartloader: fixed crash upon missing cx4 bios (thanks epguy35 for bugreport)
* help: added GSU-1 and GSU-2 pinouts (based on GSU schematics drawn by magno)
* help: added pinouts for SA-1 (http://www.aep-emu.de/Sections-article50-page1.html) chip, BSX-FLASH connector, partial BSX-EXT port
* help: added MAD-R logic table+more MAD-1 details (thanks SkinnyV for dumping)
* help/emu: added some new nss details (vsync, mirrored/unused bits)
* help: added some new xband keyboard details (thanks to Benjamin Eriksson)
* help/emu: added copy-protected bootlegs (bitswap, constant, and alu/flipflop)
* help/emu: added super20hab (korean multicart with 20 small nes-port games)