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View Full Version : Colin McRae DiRT Update

April 26th, 2007, 22:26
Last time we took Colin McRae for a spin we only got to go hands-on around a couple of tracks so, while we were bowled over by the eye-popping visuals, we didn't really get to experience the full breadth of what DiRT has to offer. Now though, we've had the chance to properly give the game a thrashing and can report that things are progressing nicely, with Codemasters well on schedule to steal the off-road crown from MotorStorm this summer.

But before we talk about the stuff we did see in the game, a brief mention of what's not in there at the moment: Unfortunately, while we got a sneak peak at the mammoth career mode, we weren't able to play through any of the races. However, what's clear is that this will certainly provide the backbone of the game, with rookie drivers proving their skills over a whopping 66 events.

Full Article (http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/783/783738p1.html)