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View Full Version : Wrong Place, At The Wrong Time...

April 29th, 2007, 03:41
Well I was having a good day today... Until I went out fishing. We had just recently gone fishing the other day and surprisingly we caught some fish! So we decided to take our family and friends out today to spend some quality time fishing together. We also went dirt biking of course. :cool:

Anyways I was sitting down fishing when all of the sudden my PSP slid out of my pocket and fell about 5 or 6 feet through the air then directly into the water. :eek: ( Luckily I had my Logitech PlayGear Case on, the very thick case broke the fall when my PSP hit the water/rocks ) It took us all of a few seconds to retrieve my PSP but I feared that we just may not have been fast enough... I immediately took my PSP back up to our car to dry it off and pull the battery along with the memory stick out.

Now I've had electronics get wet before... ( Cell Phone's est. ) And the majority of the time, if electronics are given some time to dry before you turn them back on they will be fine. An example of this was when my younger brother's DS went through the washer but surprisingly came out fine after we let it dry off. We've also had many Cell Phones’ get wet only to recover after we let them dry off.

After we had left ( Didn’t catch any fish btw :( ) I went to Wal-Mart and got a can of compressed air. I used that to help spray out the sand stuck inside my PSP's UMD slot and buttons. This actually worked without me having to take apart my PSP. The only thing I'm worried about now is will my PSP turn on after I give it some time to dry? I've done just about everything I can imagine; Only time well tell now... But any advice on what else I should do is appreciated.

Well I guess my PSP is the Chosen One of Legend!!! :D Yes, after a day of letting the sucker dry I put the battery back in ( Different Battery of Course! ) and it fired right up! Even more amazing is after I got the little particles of sand out with the compressed air, the PSP's buttons and UMD slot now work more efficiently! Meaning no more stuck buttons and the UMD slot now opens and closes better! :thumbup: My PSP actually came out of the water better than when it went in! This was a nice ending to my cruddy weekend and a even nicer ending to this Fishermen's Tale... ;) Thank you all for your support! :cool:

EDIT: Well my UMD drive did eventually crap out on me but hey at least my PSP still works. Thanks to Custom Firmware my PSP will still be 100%.

April 29th, 2007, 03:49
Now I've had electronics get wet before... ( Cell Phone's est. ) And the majority of the time, if electronics are given some time to dry before you turn them back on they will be fine. An example of this was when my younger brother's DS went through the washer but surprisingly came out fine after we let it dry off. We've also had many Cell Phones’ get wet only to recover after we let them dry off.

I dropped a Sony Ericsson K750i in a jug of apple juice once, it never worked again after it was dried...

...Although it switched on it never actually worked, the same with my phone your PSP might never work the same :confused:

April 29th, 2007, 04:02
I dropped a Sony Ericsson K750i in a jug of apple juice once, it never worked again after it was dried...

...Although it switched on it never actually worked, the same with my phone your PSP might never work the same :confused:

Well thanks for the support... :rolleyes: Well hopefully everything will be ok once its dry. Keep in mind that it fell into fresh water and not Apple Juice. :p

April 29th, 2007, 04:06
man i hope your psp works. If it does then it's the Chosen One of Legend.

April 29th, 2007, 04:07
Thanks for the support... :rolleyes: Well hopefully everything will be ok once its dry. Keep in mind that it fell into fresh water and not Apple Juice. :p

hopefully, apple juice is thicker and a lot stikier than water anyhow so your PSP is probably ok! lol :p

April 29th, 2007, 04:08
It should be fine, the only thing i would really stress is that damn sand! I don't like sand :p

April 29th, 2007, 04:11
It should be fine, the only thing i would really stress is that damn sand! I don't like sand :p

Well I was able to get all of the sand out with the compressed air. I guess I should give it a day or two to dry before I turn it back on.

April 29th, 2007, 04:25
If your warranty is already void just open it and dry it, and i would get a new battery if the psp happens to work because wet battery might rust and would worsen your psp condition.

April 29th, 2007, 04:52
If your warranty is already void just open it and dry it, and i would get a new battery if the psp happens to work because wet battery might rust and would worsen your psp condition.

I'll take note of that, thank you. I would like to thank you all for your support! This truly is the best online community of people! :thumbup:

April 29th, 2007, 05:43
lets just hope it dries completely and works when dried.

April 29th, 2007, 08:13
i never tried drying something lol

anyway never happened to me but theoretically it should work as long the water didnt corrupt anything

but then again not to put your sprits down but i have to say this is that its probably messed because the psp still has electricity flowing through it (the clock) and frankly, it shud be wreaked if that happens....

April 29th, 2007, 08:34
Yeah, I wish you luck man.

I know what you mean, my mate dropped his phone into nasty sticky sugary coke, and that worked when it dried.. So fingers crossed.

April 29th, 2007, 16:57
Yeah same here. I know how it feels to lose things in the water. I lost my first gameboy and a NES(flooded basement) to water.

April 29th, 2007, 22:21
Yeah same here. I know how it feels to lose things in the water. I lost my first gameboy and a NES(flooded basement) to water.


how did your basement flood? lol :p

April 30th, 2007, 05:25
man i hope your psp works. If it does then it's the Chosen One of Legend.

Well I guess my PSP is the Chosen One of Legend!!! :D Yes after a day of letting the sucker dry I put the battery back in ( Different Battery of Course! ) and it fired right up! Even more amazing is after I got the little particles of sand out with the compressed air, the PSP's buttons and UMD slot now work more efficiently! Meaning no more stuck buttons and the UMD slot now opens and closes better! :thumbup: My PSP actually came out of the water better than when it went in! Thank you all for your support! :cool:

P.S. mastersho that quote is going in my sig! :p

April 30th, 2007, 05:47
lol. good to see its working even better now.
it would have sucked for you to have bought a new psp.

April 30th, 2007, 18:08
Well I guess my PSP is the Chosen One of Legend!!! :D Yes after a day of letting the sucker dry I put the battery back in ( Different Battery of Course! ) and it fired right up! Even more amazing is after I got the little particles of sand out with the compressed air, the PSP's buttons and UMD slot now work more efficiently! Meaning no more stuck buttons and the UMD slot now opens and closes better! :thumbup: My PSP actually came out of the water better than when it went in! Thank you all for your support! :cool:

P.S. mastersho that quote is going in my sig! :p

Cool! Thats a great honor!

April 30th, 2007, 18:54

how did your basement flood? lol :p

A pipe brust and at the time my room was down there. One day a came home from school and it was kinda floatin' in the water. I cried.....

April 30th, 2007, 20:49
Well atleast when there was water in there you didnt have to go upstairs to the toilet to take a piss.

Thats always been my dream.

April 30th, 2007, 20:56
I can't say I agree, but that's you choice XD

April 30th, 2007, 21:37
A pipe burst and at the time my room was down there. One day I came home from school and it was kinda floatin' in the water. I cried.....

lol, that sucks :rofl:

May 1st, 2007, 06:01
Glad everythign worked out for the BETTER even.


May 2nd, 2007, 05:32
I had the same sort of situation, my basement flooded and watery doom visited my NES and Genesis.

I left them to dry, and they came out okay, and they still get used. I just guess that they made hardware better back in the day. Bigger, but it could take a beating.

:confused: ...why did a PSP go out fishing, anyway? I dont think that there is a homebrew out yet that has the 'fishy radar'. You know what i'm talking about.