View Full Version : Sony and FA announce PlayStation Schools' Cup

August 5th, 2013, 18:41
The English Football Association and Sony have joined forces for what is to be called the PlayStation Schools’ Cup.
Over 2,000 schools and 100,000 kids across England will a host of tournaments for the U12-U15 age categories that will be run between September and May.
Tottenham Hotspur captain Michael Dawson will be the face of the campaign.
Each participating school will receive a PlayStation Kit Bag that includes a football, training bibs and supporters flags. An e-reporter competition will be run in tandem where budding journalists can submit match reports online.
The final will take place at the PlayStation Schools’ Cup Festival in May 2014.
“I still had fond memories representing my school at sport,” Michael Dawson stated. “The PlayStation Schools’ Cup tournaments will provide an important learning curve, where youngsters can test themselves against quality opposition, playing under competitive circumstances.
“The main thing is that they go out and enjoy their football. I urge all kids to get out there and give it a go.”
PlayStation UK MD Murray Pannell added: "We are delighted to partner with the ESFA to deliver the PlayStation Schools’ Cup tournaments to close to 2,000 schools.
“PlayStation has a great tradition for supporting schools’ football. We recognised that working with the ESFA would help increase the number of schools that benefit from our support. It was important for us that both boys and girls teams from ranging abilities will enjoy the honour of representing their school, which is a proud occasion for them to cherish.”
