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View Full Version : Data Design for Nintendo

April 30th, 2007, 21:24
via kotaku (http://kotaku.com/gaming/old-is-the-the-new%2C-um%2C-new/data-design-for-nintendo-256485.php)

Yet another game publisher has achieved Nintendo status as European company Data Design signs up to port 12 titles onto the Wii. From their descriptions, most of the games don't sound that great (and incidentally, almost all of them have come out previous for PS2 back in the day). Titles range from Billy the Wizard to Elvis Rock N Roll Adventures so it's hard to gauge if these games could be secretly awesome once the hit the Wii, or if they will just be remakes. One description did jump out at me:

Ninjabread Man Candy Land is under attack! This once sweet and tasty land has been taken over by hordes of snapping Cup Cakes, Angry Bees and Jelly Monsters. Only one man can stop this evil army of monster cakes. He's one tough cookie; a guy that wonn't crumble under the pressure...... 'Ninjabread Man' is here!
Apparently, that one came out for the PS2 back in 2005, and features a grumpy little gingerbread man. If you could design your own gingerbread man, that would be cool, but not as cool as having a gingerbread version of your mii. Just suggestions.