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View Full Version : The 10 Reasons that Sony messed up with the PS3

April 30th, 2007, 21:54
via lunabeam (http://www.lunabean.com/news/20070430_top_10_playstation_3_missteps.php) comes the 10 listings of how Sony messed up with the PS3 sofar:

10 - The "Spiderman" font. Why choose a font that already stands for something? It only serves to distract the gamer and make him/her think about Spiderman when they should be thinking about the PS3. On another note, I'm very excited about this week's debut of Spider-Man 3. See, I'm already thinking of something that's not the PS3 by just mentioning the font. My spidey senses are tingling...in a bad way.

9 - Lack of force feedback (vibration) in the controller. Much was made about Sony's decision to emulate the Wii's tilt motion controls. Whether or not you think Sony ripped it off is beside the point. The fact that they couldn't figure out how to get vibration and motion control into the controller, and then, as cover, came out and said vibration is overrated and not necessary, really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

8 - Lack of HD cables. Yet another poor decision by Sony who ostensibly claimed that the true HD buff would want to purchase their own cables when it seems Sony was just too cheap to throw in the very cables that would make the PS3's highly touted HD visuals come to life. This is an example of how being cheap actually ended up costing Sony money.

7 - Underestimating the Wii. Sony should have been more prepared for a battle for the hearts and minds of gamers, which Nintendo has definitely won. The $250 Wii should have been on Sony's radar as a potential threat, but their hubris allowed them to ignore it and put it down. Sony, therefore, effectively put down the gamers who would buy a Wii, thus making many of us not want to buy a PS3, just out of principle.

6 - The constant putting down of the customer. Number 7 leads into this one. Sony, throughout much of last year, continually put down their customers, saying, and I'm paraphrasing here, that they should shut up about the price and stop complaining. The PS3 is a good value, they constantly reiterated. Then, there are a variety of classic quotes including one referring to US gamers as "cheap".

5 - Coming out with two versions. A good deal of talk prior to the launch dealt with what console had what. Card reader? 20GB or 60GB HDD? Why confuse the buyer? Why distract the buyer? And, to the average person, $500 and $600 are the same thing: both prices are prohibitively expensive. There's a reason why the 20GB version was discontinued.

4 - No plan for online play at launch. Playstation "Home" was announced last month, three months after launch. You know, you can tout your online gaming capabilities all you want, but if you don't have a plan at launch, then one of your key features is really just a lie, isn't it?

3 - No "must have" games at launch. Console launch lineups are notoriously sparse and many bad games can be forgiven, but the Playstation 3's launch lineup was one of the worst to date. "Resistance Fall of Man" was the only semi-hit and most of the remainder of the games were ports of older games. Compare that to the 360's Perfect Dark Zero, Call of Duty 2, Kameo: Elements of Power, and Project Gotham Racing 3 and the Wii's Zelda: Twilight Princess and Wii Sports.

2 - Blu-Ray. Who cares about Blu-Ray? My guess is about 73 people. Okay, okay, I know it's slightly more than that...like 82. My point is that videophiles care about Blu-Ray. That was who bought the launch PS3s, not gamers. This fact escaped Sony and was a fundamental error. Gamers needed to have been the focus, not the living room entertainment crowd. To tell you the truth, I don't care if my game comes on Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, DVD, CD, or cardboard. A good game is a good game and to tie Sony's hopes for the adoption of Blu-Ray to the PS3 was, and is, a disservice to gamers.

1 - Price. $600 for a console? Even if it was gold-plated, dusted with saffron, and served caviar out of its disc tray I still wouldn't pay $600 for a console. Again, gamers are a lot smarter than Sony gives them credit for. We all know that the price will drop between year one and year two, which is about the same time that some decent games will be out for it. In the meantime, we'll all continue to play our PS2s, Wiis, and 360s until there is a compelling game and a price break.

April 30th, 2007, 22:22
Man they crammed in some rubbish to fill that list up.

April 30th, 2007, 22:28
Man they crammed in some rubbish to fill that list up.

I agree.

Although I have my own yardstick for buying any console and the PS3 is yet to meet it. Its called the "killer app."

April 30th, 2007, 22:41
I aint bought one either, but i will do.

The only thing stopping me is the price, not that I cant, I just wont.

April 30th, 2007, 22:44
Like I've said in practicly every ps3 thread.

The price aint too bad for what you get.

Anyway, that is the worst list ever.

Moaning about the font, what the fork?

April 30th, 2007, 22:53
Add the facts that:

4.Their ultimate console does not have enough RAM to support its power. As a result, the games have beter graphicks in X360!

3.Their disk Drive is not fast enough! This means that there will be lots of loading times! When they asked Sonys representative about this isue, he answered: "There is always the ability to load the game in PS3s hard drive, but dont wory! I'm sure the game companies will found a way to make the loading Backroud while you are playing the game". (notice that there is not enough Ram in the console).

2.The console is to complicated. The game developers have started to abandon their contracts whith Sony since "its not profitable to create games in such a complicate console". Sony have allready lost almost all of their exclusive titles!

1.They does not respect their customers! Especialy the Europeans! It is a fact that europe was receaving only the 1/3 of the games that was beeng released in Amerika, whith crazy prices and delays*! When Sonys representative was asked to make a comment about the 4 months delay of the PS3 to be released to Europe, he sead: "Everything is OK. Actualy this delay has helped the PS3 to make beter sales in Europe" (notice that we are impatient gamers and not Sonys Share holders). My friend boght a PS3 from Japan in half price!

*Notes abou game releases in europe.
The very first "Tales of..." tittle that has been released in europe for a sonys console is "Tales of Eternia" for PSP!
The very first "Dragon Quest" was "Dragon Quest 8 'JotCK"
Europe has reseave only the second episode of "Xenosaga". The first and the third ones are still missing. Thats why it has made Crap sales in europe!
Kingdome hearts 2, Final Fantasy X & XII and Dragon Quest came whith a 6 months delay!

So Now the reasons are 14!

April 30th, 2007, 22:58
Hi guys , first post . thinking of buying a ps3 gamepad controller for pes6 (pc version) but will it work together , anyone any ideas and if so what do I need to get it going cheers .

April 30th, 2007, 23:36
It's Official.

The most whingey people on earth, are the one's that don't own PS3's.

Like shut up already aye, I can name the 10 worst problems with the 360 and the Wii in about 30 seconds, so it's all relelvant.
Sony has screwed its customers a number of times, heck I'm an Aussie, so if anyone knows about painful launch delays for everything it's me, but just drop it already.

I bought a 60GB PS3, and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. I saved and saved all my money for months, skipped the 360, skipped the Wii (Nothing against them, I just wanted the PS3), and I finally bought it home and plugged it in and haven't thought a single negative thing about it.

So could we stop knocking it already? I'm one extremely satisfied customer, and the only purchase I have ever made that's made me happier was my PSP (I expected the PS3 to 'wow' me, but the PSP really surprised me... RIIIIDGE RACER blew my socks off when I first booted the thing up).

So let it go, or give the damn 360 and Wii a knock for a change.

April 30th, 2007, 23:41
PS3 easier than PS2 to work with.

April 30th, 2007, 23:44
10. I've been wondering the same thing...

9. My main put-off from the controller, besides its horridly disgusting set-up.

8. Really, doesn't matter to me.

7. Sony's biggest mistake. Aboslutely convinced they've got this thing down pat and the Wii blows straight through the PS3 like a rocket. Eh tu, $ony?

6. The reason I dispise Sony to they're core. They don't care about the customer. They care about the money.

5. A big WTF ran through my head here. I don't care how many versions they send out. If there are none under $400 they can blow it.

4. I didn't know this, but it sounds like poor judgement.

3. This is why I really didn't want the PS3 at launch. Or now. Or tommarow. Come to think of it...

2. If only Sony had common sense this could have been avoided. I don't care to pay $300 so I can have a dang Blu-Ray player that I'll never use. I'd rather buy a $300 console that I'll occasionally use.

1. Cheapa$$ $ony. Nothing could have excused this. Targeting only the wealthy and well off and never the middle-class or below. Disgusting...

If only they made the PS3 more like the PS2.

May 1st, 2007, 00:35
I am disgusted by thIs list, It's all by a 360/wii fanboy mainly cause of the fact that they said that 360 had 3 or 4 must-have games on launch everythIng was crap for 360's launch.... COD was good but not much of an improvement gameplay wise, and @ Justise, none of these points are viable, and those are all fanboy points, If you have ever played/owned a ps3 you'd know that most games that would have load tImes, have NONE. Tony Hawks Project 8 only had one load time, and that's when you start up, apart from that there Isn't a single loading screen.... I bought a PS3 and I also have a 360 and a WII, and I play the PS3 more then both the other systems combined, I play the 360 every so often so I can beat my friends online In gears, but apart from that I dont touch It, the ps3 games comming out are so much fun, and even just the demos of future games are insane fun, lIke Ninja Gaiden

May 1st, 2007, 00:59
People are so quick to jump on the bandwagon and join in on the Sony bashing without looking at the what is really there for all to see. Here are my opinions on the "Top 10"

10 - Because Spiderman is licensed under sony studios which effectively means it's their copyright. Why spend money on designers and copyrighting a font when they can already use one they own. Think about the amount of paper they saved not having a designer to come up with a new font / logo.

9 - Because when they were designing the controller, they were locked in battle and being sued for a considerable amount of money over the rumble feature being used in the previous 2 consoles breaching copyright. By the time they had settled and began talks, the PS3 was near launch. Talks are going on between sony and immersion to add this feature as we speak!

8 - They wanted to make the console immediately playable out of the box to all their customers. Not everyone buying a PS3 has a HDTV so it made more sense to add an AV cable instead. HDTV's have the facilities to connect AV Cables but non HD TV's dont have HDMI Ports. There would be a lot more complaints if they had included a HDMI cable and nothing else in the box. The majority of online stores selling the PS3 have bundles which include free HDMI cables in the UK (Play.com where i got mine did)

7 - I dont think they so much underestimated the Wii. The PS3 is seen as an "Entertainment" system capable of more than just playing games. They had their vision of creating their system and stuck to it which in my case shows commitment to supplying the product they claimed they would deliver.

6 - I agree they could show more concideration to their customers. As a PSP owner, I found it very annoying that certain titles were put on the back burner so they could concentrate on getting games ready for the PS3. In my opinion they should have taken better care of their current customer base before trying to please potential future customers.
They then make Europe wait the longest for their consoles, raise the price and take out the Emotion engine leaving the backwards compatability in a sorry state. Then to round things off, we are also still cursed with the "green screen" watching DVD's through RGB Scart!

5 - They made 2 versions to try and give people a fair chance of buying one. I disagree that $100 is "not much difference". For those who scrape together the cash to buy the console, that would seem like a lot.

4 - Online play was added in games on a per game basis. Motorstorm for example and Resistance. Are you trying to say these games dont have "Online play"? The console supports online gaming so NO sony didnt lie about a key feature. Home is just a centralised "lobby" for online gaming not online gaming as a whole.

3 - I agree that there are no "must have" titles out at launch. I had a hard time deciding what game to go for with my console. However, I would rather wait for a great game to come out after launch than settle for a "good" game at launch because the developers rushed it.

2 - The PS3 set out to be a system to take us into the future of digital entertainment. It would be pointless fitting "tomorrows" entertainment system with yesterdays technology.

Blu-Ray isnt just about video as so many people tend to think. Blu-Ray can be used for data unlike HD-DVD which IS restricted to video. This means more space for game textures and sounds which will be needed for HD Gaming.

1 - £425 is the damage one will set you back in the UK. £400 if you know where to look but think about what you are getting for the price tag. It might seem a lot at the moment, but once you actually own a PS3 and use it, you realise what your hard earned has gone on. Much much more than just playing games. You can convert your movies, put them on a USB drive or memory stick and watch on your TV. It would have been better if you didnt need to go through a rather annoying conversion process before you could watch your vids, but the option is there all the same. With Vista pretty much destroying my ability to connect my PC to my TV and watch vids the PS3 is now pretty much my only option.

As someone mentioned. Those who moan about the price tag are those who DON'T own one.

May 1st, 2007, 01:00
Man, there are so many whiney, whingy people out there.

Oh the controller hurts my hands, bah it costs too much, it's too heavy, blah blah blah blah blah.

God I love MY PS3 :D

May 1st, 2007, 01:07
ps3 is an ugly hunk of crap

my opinion that is

May 1st, 2007, 01:09
Their ultimate console does not have enough RAM to support its power. As a result, the games have beter graphicks in X360!

Thats Big Bill argument. coming from m$ I won't take that for cash. Ps2 gived amazing graphics and is still right now the most popular 128 bit system. Few years ago, Sony haters, sega and microsoft folks said the same thing about ps2 lack of ram..

May 1st, 2007, 01:13
Man, there are so many whiney, whingy people out there.

Oh the controller hurts my hands, bah it costs too much, it's too heavy, blah blah blah blah blah.

God I love MY PS3 :D

You're spot on there 1_Man_Matrix, I mean who really gives a damn about weight anyway?! It's not like you see people walking around with their consoles (-portables obviously)

I'm learning to put up with all this sony knocking anyway because I have a friend who will not back down arguing that the 360 is better, wot a toss*r! He gets outnumbered by my other mates who all supports sonys achievements but won't back down. Maybe it's jealousy that these Microsoft Rent Boys are clinging onto eh? :)

May 1st, 2007, 01:14
I think the main problem with the PS3 is Blu-Ray, it's the reason why the PS3 costs $600 and the drive reads the discs slow. If Sony didn't include Blu-Ray with the PS3, it would sell as good or better than the Xbox 360.

May 1st, 2007, 01:18
I think the main problem with the PS3 is Blu-Ray, it's the reason why the PS3 costs $600 and the drive reads the discs slow. If Sony didn't include Blu-Ray with the PS3, it would sell as good or better than the Xbox 360.

You're right SSaxdude, but if you remember, the first CD and DVD drives were very slow, its just a work in progress I suppose. Other than that you are right on.

May 1st, 2007, 01:59
You're spot on there 1_Man_Matrix, I mean who really gives a damn about weight anyway?! It's not like you see people walking around with their consoles (-portables obviously)

I'm learning to put up with all this sony knocking anyway because I have a friend who will not back down arguing that the 360 is better, wot a toss*r! He gets outnumbered by my other mates who all supports sonys achievements but won't back down. Maybe it's jealousy that these Microsoft Rent Boys are clinging onto eh? :)

Really? I've never heard anyone complain about the weight. As for the Drives, the Wii and Xbox 360 load fast. Crazy fast.

Like I've said before, the PS3 had potential. Well, it HAD potential, anyway...

May 1st, 2007, 02:39
You Xbox360 game F*gs My ps3 console will not get the rings of fire. Go ahead and spend more money on the Elite. All your gonna get is a Bigger hard drive. I bet Gates had someone write that propaganda he wants to corner the gaming market just like winBlows!!

May 1st, 2007, 02:49
The Blu-ray drive is still faster than DVD drives. It's just not the fastest Blu-ray drive.

May 1st, 2007, 02:55
Really? I've never heard anyone complain about the weight. As for the Drives, the Wii and Xbox 360 load fast. Crazy fast.

Like I've said before, the PS3 had potential. Well, it HAD potential, anyway...

Yes but you're forgetting something, look at the XBOX 360, what drive does it have, it has a F**king DVD drive, not HD-DVD, yes you can get it seperately but thats slow too, new formats are always slow, thats all i'm sayin, the reason xbox has a fast drive "Crazy fast" is because the technology has had more work put into it, its been around for longer, now I could argue till I'm blue in the face about rediculous bullsh** like this but I know for a fact the PS3 is an overall better console because I have BOTH of them.

May 1st, 2007, 03:10

My friends that own 360's think the PS3 rocks. They are quite happy to come over and blaze through Resistance with me, and are even a little jealous that they can't have it on there system, but they never slag on my PS3, ever.

Likewise, I don't mind a few rounds of Halo co-op and other games I can't get my hands on. It's a shame and I'm a tad jealous I can't have Perfect Dark:Zero, I loved the original. But I don't slag on their 360's...

Point is, If your immature and just plain stupid enough to Slag on either system, you have no idea about either of them. Go study the specs. I mean intensly. And even at the end of the day, you still feel one system is better, you damn well better appreciate the other one.

I Love my PS3, wouldn't trade it for the world. I am NOT going to buy a 360. But damn the 360 is an awesome system.

Like I said, go study the specs. But not to figure out which system is better, do it instead, to gain an appreciation of both. :)

May 1st, 2007, 03:33
**Sigh** I'm a tad jealous I can't have Perfect Dark:Zero, I loved the original.

Don't be. Perfect Dark Zero was the worst let-down I've ever had in a game :(

And yeah I love playing Resistance. I go to my friends house and play it. Wouldn't mind having that game either. But the PS3 wasn't very good in any of the other games I played.

Like I've said before, the PS3 has amazing potential to be equal, maybe BETTER then the others. But, so does the 360 and the Wii. The key lies within the company more then the system. My thoughts have always been Nintend>Microsoft>Sony. I loved Sony for the PS2 and PSP, but then they started acting wierd...

May 1st, 2007, 05:32
Wow, what a load of garbage...

10. This seriously is the most retarted complaint I have ever heard I dont even have a comment for it except that Im glad its #10 on your list.

9. This will eventually be made at some point, and personally I never even noticed it missing cause its such a small detail anyway.

8. Since the beggining of time systems have always... ALWAYS! given you just your basic video cables. If they gave you HDMI cables then what would people without HDMI do? Oh I guess you want all the cables in 1 box huh. Maybe they should throw in some component cables as well. I didnt see anything wrong with this and was happy to buy a cheap ass HDMI cable on my own.

7. As far as the Wii goes this was completely unexpected. Nobody expected that system to do so well and up to almost the last month before it came out everybody was mocking the Wii saying how bad it was going to be and that a gimmick like that would never last. So just like anything else in life you never know whats going to happen.

6. LOL I love being put down! Go Sony! Telling me how it is.

5. Didn't xbox do this?

4. I had fun with what they had to offer and its actually exciting to see what they come out with next. As for Home that was probably the best idea they ever had! Releasing it at the end of the year makes them almost gaurenteed to sell more systems just because they will have something no other system will have and people will want to try it and have it cause thats what people do. Everybody's curious about the next new thing!

3. It was not the best launch ever but the games that were availible were fun and unlike all those spoiled game reviewers this was the first time I got to see and experience true HD gaming which totally blew my mind. Some people still arent used to seeing such beautiful visuals and that alone was fantastic.

2. I love games and play them constantly. So you say Im not a gamer because I love blue-ray movies? talk about having your own opinion on what you believe people use this system for. Blue-ray movies look fantastic so to me it doesnt make sense why I would not want to use it for both gaming and movies. I did on PS2 and will much more on PS3.

1. I have a job! I dont know why 600 is such a huge price to pay. How much will you end up spending on a top of the line computer? If your into games then 600 is not a huge amount to invest for a complete multimedia center.

Bottem line is the PS3 along with a new TV is probably the best thing I have ever owned and no matter what anyone says I will continue to have a lot of fun doing whatever Sony plans on releasing. Now if only someone could get some homebrew on this dam thing now that would be fantastic!

May 1st, 2007, 05:34
Add the facts that:

4.Their ultimate console does not have enough RAM to support its power. As a result, the games have beter graphicks in X360!

Enough ram? Please elaborate... The PS3 has 256 megabytes of XDRAM running at CPU CLOCK SPEED (which makes it FAR FASTER than the Xbox's memory) and another 256 megabytes of ram designed for video.

The Xbox360 has only 512 megabytes of ram running 750mhz bus speed, which is shared for both video and cpu needs. Hmm, lets think about this a moment.... If such was feasible, efficient and better than the PS3's setup (which is how its done in computers) why would computers use it?

Point is, memory is not the issue whatsoever, as a matter of fact, the memory in the PS3 is better than that found in the 360, since the memory clock speed is more than 4x faster....

The disc read speed is also bullshit, as BDroms can read data around the center of the disc faster than a DVD drive can read data around its center. The only limiting factor is that BDRom is slower when reading towards the outside of the disc than a DVD can read. But this isn't really an issue, since more data can be stored on a Bluray in the same surface area than on a DVD, so while a DVD may have an average faster read speed while taking into account the entirety of the DVD, the entirety of a DVD can be stored towards the center of the Bluray disc, where it reads faster...

May 1st, 2007, 06:02
here is my one issue with ps3.

blue ray

take it out and the ps3 is like half as pricey and would then be WORTH THE MONEY.

stop forcing your beta max CRAP alternative attempts to own the market on us. blue ray has about as much chance and being the sole platform for movies as the beta max did.

get rid of it, price drops BIG, sales go up BIG.

May 1st, 2007, 06:21
Everybody's main complaint is the price. The thing's a freakin' bargain for the amount they managed to cram inside it... I don't feel jipped at all.

Now when you buy the HDD add on for the 360, (Which doesn't play any HDD games), your lookin' at almost the same price anyway?

Are people stupid or what? Like I keep saying, shut up and appreciate both machines.

May 1st, 2007, 07:46
so what if the ps3 doesn't have a good release line up, just watch sum blueray movies in the mean while and play games on ur 360 simple as that. no need for all that arguing, and if u dont have money buy a wii.

May 1st, 2007, 08:27
10. point given... not tragic but true, should of kept the ps2 font
9. point given... tilt has failed once before
8. nope
7. nope
6. nope
5. nope
4. nope
3. nope
2. nope... because blueray will succeed
1. nope... because it is worth it

May 1st, 2007, 08:54
10. I've been wondering the same thing...

9. My main put-off from the controller, besides its horridly disgusting set-up.

8. Really, doesn't matter to me.

7. Sony's biggest mistake. Aboslutely convinced they've got this thing down pat and the Wii blows straight through the PS3 like a rocket. Eh tu, $ony?

6. The reason I dispise Sony to they're core. They don't care about the customer. They care about the money.

5. A big WTF ran through my head here. I don't care how many versions they send out. If there are none under $400 they can blow it.

4. I didn't know this, but it sounds like poor judgement.

3. This is why I really didn't want the PS3 at launch. Or now. Or tommarow. Come to think of it...

2. If only Sony had common sense this could have been avoided. I don't care to pay $300 so I can have a dang Blu-Ray player that I'll never use. I'd rather buy a $300 console that I'll occasionally use.

1. Cheapa$$ $ony. Nothing could have excused this. Targeting only the wealthy and well off and never the middle-class or below. Disgusting...

If only they made the PS3 more like the PS2.

im most definately working class, i save my money and bought one for myself. and the playstation 2 was just as expensive when it was released.

and if you really think any company actually cares about the customer more than the money-your dreaming.

i have a Wii and PS3 and my list of the Wiis problems is a lot longer than that for the ps3, and would be more accurate and actually real, user based problems.

May 1st, 2007, 11:26
a lot of this thread is sony fanboys arguing. the points were half good half bad, but they are very indicative of anti sony feeling right now and that feeling isn't there for no reason. point 2 is very valid.

May 1st, 2007, 12:42
10. point given... not tragic but true, should of kept the ps2 font
9. point given... tilt has failed once before
8. nope
7. nope
6. nope
5. nope
4. nope
3. nope
2. nope... because blueray will succeed
1. nope... because it is worth it

How very specific.

And gdf, you get used to it. Its more like the bees in my front yard now.

As for "the working class", sure I'll be able to save enough money. But not now, and not in the near(or far) future.

Im tempted to even go so far as to say Nintendo DOES care about the customer, maybe not more, but AS MUCH as money. Hence, they listen to the cries for better gaming system that the WHOLE family can enjoy, something Microsoft and $ony never did. Well, Microsoft to some degree, but Sony just seemed to fling poop at us when we asked for user friendy features.

May 1st, 2007, 16:20
You Xbox360 game F*gs My ps3 console will not get the rings of fire. Go ahead and spend more money on the Elite. All your gonna get is a Bigger hard drive. I bet Gates had someone write that propaganda he wants to corner the gaming market just like winBlows!!

So people who like the Xbox360 are homosexuals? Is that what you're saying? And the general amount of us are not getting the Elite, even if it does come with twice the amount of space of the ps3, HDMI, and looks cool.

May 1st, 2007, 16:56
The Playstation 3 is an amazing piece of kit. I've played the 360 but it doesn't feel solid or well built and its featureless without the HD-DVD player. The PS3 is just so solid and thoughtfully put together; people accuse Sony of all sorts of things but at the end of the day they still managed to put out a console, that against all odds, is selling well.

May 1st, 2007, 16:59
What Im saying is poeple who Criticize the ps3 are F*gs. I know people with the xbox 360 its a good system nodoubt. No company can be peferct even microsoft . No One is ever happy. Something can always be better. Its just funny how all the articles are just Sh*tting all over Sony. A CHAMPION IS NOT JUDGED BY IN THE BEGINING OF IT'S CARREER BUT AT THE END OF IT! So give it some time people maybe after christmas then bash this system all you want.

May 1st, 2007, 17:42

I am not a Sony fanboy, all of my claims for the PS3's good features are actually backed up by documented evidence. The fact remains that Sony cut no corners whatsoever when making the PS3.

Engadget ran an article about the Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 and came to the conclusion that the PS3 was indeed the BEST blu-ray player on the market (and the cheapest too at PS3's launch; not so much anymore though)

Im tempted to even go so far as to say Nintendo DOES care about the customer, maybe not more, but AS MUCH as money. Hence, they listen to the cries for better gaming system that the WHOLE family can enjoy, something Microsoft and $ony never did. Well, Microsoft to some degree, but Sony just seemed to fling poop at us when we asked for user friendy features.

Microsoft? Caring about the customer? Haha, that is utter bullshit man. Really, go read many of the Xbox forums that exist and you will find 10,000s of Xbox360s that have died over the years and Microsoft turns a blind eye to the consumer, and then charges them 160 USD to fix the console (regardless of whats needed to fix it, its a flat rate...)... Yeah they are really concerned with the customer...

And Nintendo, I stated my piece in another thread about Nintendo. Really if Nintendo cared about the customer, they wouldn't try selling a Gamecube 1.5 for 250 USD. Thats just an insult to gamers everywhere. Really, I am willing to bet it only costs Nintendo 80 USD to produce 1 Wii, and they sell it for 250 USD... Thats money grubbing at its prime. Unwilling to put in bleeding edge technology all for the sake of making profits.

May 1st, 2007, 23:40
a lot of this thread is sony fanboys arguing. the points were half good half bad, but they are very indicative of anti sony feeling right now and that feeling isn't there for no reason. point 2 is very valid.

Uh, well the whole articles based on a bias 360 fanboy's biased remarks, so what did you expect?

I have an idea, whos ready for it?

Here we go, it's pretty epic, so you might wanna hold onto your hats...

Don't be a fanboy for any console!

Wow, crazy eh? Give it a shot. Pfft.

May 1st, 2007, 23:44
And Nintendo, I stated my piece in another thread about Nintendo. Really if Nintendo cared about the customer, they wouldn't try selling a Gamecube 1.5 for 250 USD. Thats just an insult to gamers everywhere. Really, I am willing to bet it only costs Nintendo 80 USD to produce 1 Wii, and they sell it for 250 USD... Thats money grubbing at its prime. Unwilling to put in bleeding edge technology all for the sake of making profits.

Fascinating. That same Gamcube 1.5 you speak of blasted a hole 3 times through your precious PS3. Check the sales. Check the fans. Check everything and anything. They love the Wii. No one I know (with sanity) hates it. So fascinating you should say that.

No other console has as amazing AG (activity Gameplay). Not the 360, and certainly not the PS3. Given, Sony will try and take the Wii's wireless idea, but that'll just screw them up too.

May 1st, 2007, 23:53
He's right though. It cost Nintendo $75 CAD to fix my Wii.

May 2nd, 2007, 01:59
10 - I kinda like the SPider-Man font and I don't have the same problem... it's no more distracting than the Sony logo on my PSP... honestly this first one is just too stupid.

9 - This was definately a bad point, but rumble is returning, and hopefully a more advanced force feedback that blows away rumble as we knew it thanks to Immersion's technology coupled with SIXAXIS tilt sensitivity.

8 - I've gotta greee, it would've been nice if Sony included these.

7 - Agreed, but what did you expect Sony to do? Bomb Nintendo HQ? The only thing they can do is act like it's not a big deal...

6 - Err all they did was reiterate what a good deal in price the PS3 is, which is true... that's not putting down the customer. COmpanies jsut can't give in to every customer demand for a lower price. Go complain to Apple how expensive the iPhone is (costs as much as a PS3) and how unfair that is... Also that whole 'cheap' comment is misinterpreted. America is a 'cheap' country becuase compared to Europe the cost of living and standard minimum wage compared and currency exchange makes the US a country of people who demand low prices on EVERYTHING! Which is why Wal Mart is very successful. In EUrope and other places, high prices aren't that big a deal as people tend to earn more.

5 - I must agree, it'd be simpler to have one version. If they want to update it then do so later and phase out the otehr version. Still, the customer can't complain about being offerred a choice thoguh it would make the decisions simpler.

4 - If there was no online plan then how come Resistence, a launch game allowed people to play 40 player online matches with no lag just fine???

3 - Actually all launches were crappy and the PS3 isn't the worst to date, it's still the PS2, and most of the press tagged the Wii launch lineup as the worst despite Zelda and Wii sports while popular is rated terribly for its simplistic controls. 360 games like PDZ etc were considered dissappointments. Ports don't really make a difference except for those who own both consoles.

2 - Quite a lot of those who bought the PS3 at launch were looking to use it exclusively for Blu-Ray movies first, games... maybe, maybe not. Also anyone who's seen their old DVDs play on an HDTV without upscaling will like an HD format. Sony claims they used blu-ray from a gaming standpoint first and then tossed in movie playback as an afterthought as it wasn't that big a deal to add it. WIth developers like Square Enix and Hideo Kojima finding Blu-Ray necessary it is of trememndous service to gamers. YOU can go back to using CDs or floppies if you wish, I'd like the world to progress.

1 - See #6. And yeah, Sony knows many will wait for a price drop... and many others will still buy it, and they will bring the price down when they feel like, so feel free to wait...

May 2nd, 2007, 02:19
Add the facts that:

4.Their ultimate console does not have enough RAM to support its power. As a result, the games have beter graphicks in X360!

3.Their disk Drive is not fast enough! This means that there will be lots of loading times! When they asked Sonys representative about this isue, he answered: "There is always the ability to load the game in PS3s hard drive, but dont wory! I'm sure the game companies will found a way to make the loading Backroud while you are playing the game". (notice that there is not enough Ram in the console).

2.The console is to complicated. The game developers have started to abandon their contracts whith Sony since "its not profitable to create games in such a complicate console". Sony have allready lost almost all of their exclusive titles!

1.They does not respect their customers! Especialy the Europeans! It is a fact that europe was receaving only the 1/3 of the games that was beeng released in Amerika, whith crazy prices and delays*! When Sonys representative was asked to make a comment about the 4 months delay of the PS3 to be released to Europe, he sead: "Everything is OK. Actualy this delay has helped the PS3 to make beter sales in Europe" (notice that we are impatient gamers and not Sonys Share holders). My friend boght a PS3 from Japan in half price!

*Notes abou game releases in europe.
The very first "Tales of..." tittle that has been released in europe for a sonys console is "Tales of Eternia" for PSP!
The very first "Dragon Quest" was "Dragon Quest 8 'JotCK"
Europe has reseave only the second episode of "Xenosaga". The first and the third ones are still missing. Thats why it has made Crap sales in europe!
Kingdome hearts 2, Final Fantasy X & XII and Dragon Quest came whith a 6 months delay!

So Now the reasons are 14!

4. Actually it has the same amount of RAM it's just split into two different places. So it'll take some unique programming and usage that one isn't used to with the Cell

3. The 2x Blu-Ray Drive is comparable to the fast 12x DVD drive in the 360. The 360 drive is stil lfaster btu the difference is pretty much negligable. Also the PS2 has one of the slowest DVD drives in the world... look how bad the games play on that one huh? ANd yeah the standard hard drive is very beneficial, thanks Sony! Enough ram for that too...

2. Which developers have abandoned SOny? Name them... Any revolutionary piece of hardware will be difficult to get into. It ain't the same old thing, and that's why when mastered it will be far better! And which of all theiur exclusive titles have Sony lost... especially considering that many exclusive titles are by first parties and Sony themselves? Which ones hmmm? Let's see, titles that people care about... GTA is one (althoguh SAn Andreas released on 360... Devil May Cry is another... and... what else? Two? all the other games were all announced as multiplatform or not announced as exclusive anyway...

1. Actually the delay did help SOny have a good launch as shown in Europe. Europe usually gets the back end of things, but sometimes also is first for others like the recent PSP camera and other utilities. It sucks that the European continent is made up of so many nations that makes it more work and more difficult to release things there so everyone is happy. As for 1/3 of games and the games you mentioned... So now Sony is responsible for third party developers? Huh? Wha? Put that alongside the Spiderman font problem...

May 2nd, 2007, 03:10
He's right though. It cost Nintendo $75 CAD to fix my Wii.

Thats nothing compared to the sick $150 Micro$oft charges to fix the 360. Microsoft showed a real bad side when they issued that cost... :mad:

Granted, they fix it, but still...

May 2nd, 2007, 03:51
Some people live to b1tch... Pretty sad if you ask me.

If I don't like something, I steer clear of it, dont use it, and dont participate at all in any way with it.
So if you don't like the PS3, don't go near it, and let the people that do have their fun, eh?

Remember, theres a big difference between a Review and a Rant... :cool:

May 2nd, 2007, 04:36
Fascinating. That same Gamcube 1.5 you speak of blasted a hole 3 times through your precious PS3. Check the sales. Check the fans. Check everything and anything. They love the Wii. No one I know (with sanity) hates it. So fascinating you should say that.

No other console has as amazing AG (activity Gameplay). Not the 360, and certainly not the PS3. Given, Sony will try and take the Wii's wireless idea, but that'll just screw them up too.

And how long with that last? Really. My friends 'like' their Wiis too, but they rarely play them. Its more of a thing to do when the guys are over, drink some beers and throw some bowling balls.

The Wii is winning now, I'll grant ya that, but I have said for a long time now that the Wii is a gimmick and gimmicks get old eventually. Nintendo had it right with the DS, good graphics for a handheld and innovative gameplay.

After year 2 of the Wii, you'll be seeing them on ebay for 50 bucks. Its interesting, many puport that Sony stole Nintendo's motion sensing technology (even though Sony had a patent on it before the Wii-mote ever existed publically) and yet, Sony made it better. IR is certainly not the way to handle motion sensing and the fact that Nintendo used IR (rather than other more sophisticated technology) reflects how unwilling Nintendo was to gamble on it.

When I take a step back and look at the Wii, really, it just seems to me that Nintendo had a gut feeling it would never work out; hence why they opted to use such low level technology. At least then if it failed it would come at no cost to them (and making Wiis doesn't come at a cost to them...)

I don't think I could ever own a product from a company who has such little faith in it. Fortunately for them it is selling well; for now.

May 2nd, 2007, 05:03
That motion sensing crap is really fustrating. I have yet to see anything use it either perfectly. I hate it for the Wii and PS3. The only times it comes close to fun is when you play some sports games or all you have to do is shake the hell out of it because thats the only time it works. Hopefully some company can find some more clever ways to perfect this but until then I just want to avoid using it all together.