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May 3rd, 2007, 10:47
Hello! :)

i know you guys have probably been asked this alot
but basicly i wanna get into the homebrew scene for the ds

i know what i need.. but theres so many bloody types of what i need by different people with different support..

can anyone help me..
i'm going for the best there is but also the cheapest there is..

so apperantly i need a ds cart.. with some type of memory.. and a passkey..

..but can you guys help me pick out..
everything i need..
with the best support..
easy to use..
where to buy and for the cheapest price? : )

if so.. much appreciated :)

May 28th, 2007, 02:27
Well, it all depends on what you want to run. I bought a GBAMP and a Superkey for around 50$ including shipping. But i've heard than an R4 is around the same price. Easiest to use, probably the R4, GBAMP has to have some hacks for it to work and requires a superkey (R4 doesn't). Both work fine, and you can pretty much just spend 5 minutes on google to find the best price. I recommend Echostore.com, that's where I got the Superkey and it was cheap and I got it the next day. I've heard a few problems with R4, but I've heard it's great. Again, it depends on what you plan on running.