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View Full Version : No DS Final Fantasy VII?

May 3rd, 2007, 20:39
via kotaku (http://kotaku.com/gaming/semi_colon%2C-open-parentheses/no-ds-final-fantasy-vii-257399.php)

What happens when a butt load of Final Fantasy games start coming out of the Square-Enix hole? Fans want more, even if they are remakes. In a recent interview with CVG, producer Hiromichi Tanaka mostly talked about the remake of Final Fantasy III for the DS, but also revealed what may be sad news for some who wanted this trend to continue:

(CVG): A lot of people are asking whether Final Fantasy VII will ever be available on DS?
Tanaka: The main thing is the timing. If we have time it is possible to do a remake of an original game but because we are at the time where the machines are changing with Wii, 360 and PS3 coming out, the development team tends to work on these games so that's the way things are going at the moment. This is the 20th anniversary of Final Fantasy III.

Everyone better hope that Square Enix has a very strict vacation policy or more of these puppies aren't going to be coming out.

May 4th, 2007, 01:59
Okay, so maybe this year(the 10th anniversary of FFVI) they could make a remake that doesn't suck balls? Frankly, I was angered by FFVI for the GBA for it spat on its original property.

May 4th, 2007, 12:44
So because there are console out, they won't remake a game for a hand-held? I guess that's not really a time issue in fact. Models/Gfx/Videos/Sfx/Story/maps are already finished and could be reused for DS. What they mostly would need would be coders and PR-Agents. That can greatly be outsourced if they really wanted to. So not an time issue, it's a money issue if you ask me. But i may be wrong.

The Hombrew Hunter
May 4th, 2007, 23:43
FF7 sucked.

If any game deserves a DS remake, it's FFVIII, damnit.

But multi disc is probably way too huge for DSes.

May 5th, 2007, 00:34
I would like to see this one ported to ds

May 6th, 2007, 11:17
FF7 sucked.

What?I didn't like FF7 too but it had a huge success you can't say it sucked...

May 6th, 2007, 11:35
FF7 sucked.

I thought 7 was the best final fantasy,
8 was really good as well though.