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View Full Version : Etrian Odyssey Hands-On

May 3rd, 2007, 23:47
Since its release in 2004 there have been more than 40 million DS units sold worldwide. So, while the expected Mario, Metroid, and Zelda titles keep the system in AAA abundance, there's plenty of shelf space to go around, as DS is picking up gamers of all ages and gameplay styles. If you're a fan of mainstream titles, DS has you covered. If you're down with role playing games, again DS has you covered. It seems that while not all gamers enjoy the same type of entertainment, DS has enough style to go around.

Such is the case with Etrian Odyssey. Chances are you either know this game very well, or have never heard of it, as it is one of the most niche titles on DS, and one of the most peculiar - but intriguing - games I've personally played in a long, long time. Atlus is at it again, this time bringing a new RPG hybrid game from the creator of Trauma Center, and though it's tough to give the final verdict right now, we can at least say that Etrian Odyssey is like nothing we've ever played.

Full Article (http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/785/785157p1.html)