View Full Version : Super GP Ball Fenix Test Release

December 11th, 2004, 10:06
***oteros Guide the ball round the maze game adapted for Dreamcast by me

looks a great game, heres thew download for testing:


Atari has said this game is working and very hard too ;)

December 15th, 2004, 12:08
the page will be done tonight

December 15th, 2004, 16:06
Nice to see you're keeping up these ports Wraggs, I must try it myself one day (you do realise I've said that about 1000 things and I'm still waiting to do 999 of them ;D). I think a compilation image is going to be called for soon ;).

December 15th, 2004, 16:31
i still have a Fenix site to make

December 15th, 2004, 17:45
is a fenix game loader for dremacast, w/ menu an ok thing to think of as a possibility, i.e. one that can load games like most emus for dc?
idiot mode text removed.

December 17th, 2004, 13:53
dcdaydreamer is sorting out a mega release of fenix games ;)

December 17th, 2004, 13:55
kewl! wraggster, is a GP emu a possibility on the DC?

December 17th, 2004, 14:11
no chance

gp32 is a very powerful handheld

December 17th, 2004, 14:20
no chance

gp32 is a very powerful handheld

i wouldn't go that far, but i don't really see a point to it as the Main thing it's used for is Emus (although i do play some of the better homebrew, smashgp is class).

December 17th, 2004, 14:37
its a fantastic console for emus and homebrew