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May 5th, 2007, 15:43
Please dont move to the front page, its not that important.

Well i thought i'd tell you i cant dev for the psp (Dont laugh, i know i havn't got much to show for it :o)

Why? i lack one very important piece of equipment, a PSP :rofl:

A few of you may know that the thin cables that connect our psp's components together are called fpc cables, well mine stopped working, rather than buying more which have exessive postage costs i decided to trade in all my psp stuff (the psp piece by piece with a few modded bits :D) and buy a DSLite and a flash cart and make a profit rather then spend money to end up in the negative zone

So...... why post it in this forum and not hardware??!?

We come to the sad (end?) of this epic sequence of events

You may remember a recent thread where i said i dual booted with fedora, but it wrecked my laptops bootloader, It got fixed!!! And guess what!! I had important stuff like music videos and......source code....... backed up on my second hard drive! But! For some reason! HP's "Qualified Technicians" although cool :) , wiped my backup drive :mad: so no more source code :( (luckily i had the other stuff on my mp3 player :p)

The dark side??!? No neopop 1.4.2
The bright side (i think)??!? i'm gonna dev for the ds now ;)

I'm particularly sorry to:
Psmonkey: I compiled the the m64 source, thought i made some changes and in fact did nothing thus making myself look bad and stole your work....

dejkirkby: The one guy who's had my back the whole way and the only one who actually expected something from me.

And the rest of you: I only gave you:

A shite pointless version of M64 :(
A version of Neopop which was compiled source i didn't even make
And i compiled NJ's emulators that one time apon request
I had improved sound support, a file browser and save/load states in neopop but i cant prove that because of hp...

lets hope i clean up on the ds scene eh??!? :thumbup:

Peace out!

May 5th, 2007, 15:46
I LoL. Good luck with your new, um, endeavor.

May 5th, 2007, 18:53
pffft, lol at DS homebrew.

sorry to see you leave the psp scene though.

May 5th, 2007, 19:09
The PSP is where its at right now. Sorry that your leaving the PSP scene :(

May 5th, 2007, 19:12
ive known about this for a while seen as i talk to you a lot on msn :p

Good luck with DS dev mate :D

May 5th, 2007, 20:42
good luck

The King
May 5th, 2007, 20:53
good luck man sad to hear that u leaving the psp scene

May 6th, 2007, 04:45
LOL i wasn't expecting so many replies rofl

Whats wrong with the DS Scene! I've been in it a fair few weeks now (Just as a user) and its sweet!

Im also surprised people are sorry to see me leave the psp scene, ill still be on dcemu, but i really didn't do much, i only really did this thread jsut in case a few people were wondering where neopop was...

I've never had a problem with sony before but heres the main reason the DS beats the living SH!T out of the PSP
http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/1128/sonybullshitanim4iv7.gif (http://imageshack.us)
You may say: But the PSP's cpu is so much better then the Ds...
If you bought a 400 AUD games console (when it first came out) for its cpu then you have been severely ripped off, You could have bought the little black square found on the MoBo for a LOT cheaper, i personally buy a console to play games.

If you think this post kick ass, get as many green circles under my name as you can :thumbup:

May 6th, 2007, 06:00
PSP's are only $180 retail in the US. DS Lites are $130. How much are flash carts? If they're less than $30 I might buy one.

May 6th, 2007, 06:19
PSP's are only $180 retail in the US. DS Lites are $130. How much are flash carts? If they're less than $30 I might buy one.

I did say "When they first came out" or something along those lines didn't I?

oh and there are flash carts out there for around
that price

May 6th, 2007, 09:23
I've never had a problem with sony before but heres the main reason the DS beats the living SH!T out of the PSP
http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/1128/sonybullshitanim4iv7.gif (http://imageshack.us)

no no, Nintendo as a company beat the living shit out of the company sony.

But sonys consoles beat the living shit out of nintendos consoles ;)

I know I would rather have a good console that have a shit console of a good company.

(even though that is abit hypocritical because I actully own a wii and a ds lite aswell as a psp and ps3)

anyway, I will you ALL the best in the DS scene.

even though I don't like rep beggers have some rep as a leaving prezzie.

May 6th, 2007, 09:38
XioN980, you have absolutely no need to apologise, it was good of you to take up the mantle of M64, at a time when no-one seemed up to the task.
I'll admit, I expected big things, but hey, thems the breaks.
You are still one of the coders I respect the most, and I'm sure the Monkey Man holds no ill feeling either.
But I need to get one thing clear.
I hear that you apologised for trying your best again, I may be forced to flick you in the balls! :O ;)

May 6th, 2007, 16:05
Monkey64, the first n64 emu to run super smash bros. It was revolutionary!

May 7th, 2007, 13:46
i didn't do anything though, keep that in mind ;)