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View Full Version : Next Kingdom Hearts Game coming to Portables

May 5th, 2007, 20:56
via DS Fanboy

"Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura recently told Famitsu that the next installment in the Kingdom Hearts franchise won't be gracing consoles and won't even be Kingdom Hearts III. Instead, portable gaming enthusiasts look to be the ones who are lucking out, as he said the next title in the franchise will be another spin-off set to grace handheld platforms. "[It] would be hard to choose if to make the game for the PSP, NDS or the cell phone," he said, leaving us a bit puzzled in the statement's wake.

Why would it be a hard decision? For one, a spin-off title from the franchise already released on the GBA, so there is some familiarity with Nintendo's hardware on his side. Plus, the Nintendo DS is the hottest handheld on the market, so wouldn't it be in his company's best interest to bring it here? Sure, we can understand the difficulty of deciding between the DS and cell phones, but we really don't think the PSP is in the running much, unless it looks to be a graphically-heavy title."

Original article : http://www.dsfanboy.com/2007/05/04/next-kingdom-hearts-game-coming-to-portables/

May 5th, 2007, 21:34
i have a ds and a psp, so i dont care which system it comes on :D

May 5th, 2007, 21:46

same here.
got my ds and psp.

iceman 47
May 5th, 2007, 22:05
oh yea boo yaa kingdom hearts are coming to the portables

May 5th, 2007, 22:19
Why would KH's main games come out strickly on sony's consoles. Then the spin-offs come out on Nintendo's portables. It doesn't make sense.

May 5th, 2007, 22:21
my lil' brother has the DS, but he's just 7:S

so I hope it comes out to PSP;)

May 5th, 2007, 22:21
Well,I got a PSP,my little brother a DS,so it wouldn't be a problem for me.
Anyways,Tetsuya Nomura said once[a while ago] that he'll release the next Kingdom Hearts for both of them,PSP and DS. And that it'll be a story between Kingdom Hearts II and III. Just like they did with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. So,I'll expect it on both hand-helds.

May 5th, 2007, 22:24
Well,I got a PSP,my little brother a DS,so it wouldn't be a problem for me.
Anyways,Tetsuya Nomura said once[a while ago] that he'll release the next Kingdom Hearts for both of them,PSP and DS. And that it'll be a story between Kingdom Hearts II and III. Just like they did with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. So,I'll expect it on both hand-helds.


thx for informing:D

by the way;

PSP fanboys mention that their source of almost the same information, came from DCEmu:


"Kingdom Hearts Network has translated a recent issue of Famitsu. This particular issue is of interest because there is an interview with Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura. In the interview, Nomura talks about the future of Kingdom Hearts: "The announcement time of a new KH project might be announced soon."

Of particular interest to PSP owners: "The multi-developing makes me want to put it on something else without thinking. If we follow this idea, it would be hard to choose if to make the game for the PSP, NDS or the cell phone."

Not the best translation, but I think we all get the idea. Kingdom Hearts on PSP could be the best team-up for PSP owners since Final Fantasy and Disney.

[Via DCEmu]"

May 5th, 2007, 22:28
Well,I got a PSP,my little brother a DS,so it wouldn't be a problem for me.
Anyways,Tetsuya Nomura said once[a while ago] that he'll release the next Kingdom Hearts for both of them,PSP and DS. And that it'll be a story between Kingdom Hearts II and III. Just like they did with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. So,I'll expect it on both hand-helds.

Thanks for that information. I hit you with some +Rep :D

May 5th, 2007, 23:42
wow, i dont care for KH, i just posted that to get news out. i did something good. now i dont have to hit myself.

Gold Line
May 6th, 2007, 01:49
kh on the psp i hope its like the ps2 games

May 6th, 2007, 02:27
I hope they actually RELEASE this one in Europe and the US, unlike the Mixes :mad:

May 6th, 2007, 02:40
i have a psp and ds too so im good, i have a feeling though it will be on the ds because it is doing so much better in terms of sales and has a huge fanbase unlike the psp, either way i get to play

May 6th, 2007, 06:01
... Cell phone? If they release it for the cell phone, then it'd hardly be a real "next installment".
It'd be nice if they just released it on both the DS and the PSP. Surely both could handle the game just fine, and it'd hopefully have spoken dialogue.

May 6th, 2007, 06:33
o_O Could someone cite WHERE it says that it'll release for both DS and PSP? Square and other legit companies tend to not dual-release games that matter on the PSP and DS because they're so different. Plus, I've never, ever read that anywhere. It'd be nice if it's true, but I sincerely doubt it. I own both, so I really don't care. O_o But.. yeah. Most definitely unlikely.

May 6th, 2007, 06:53
still... u should hit urself. not a big fan of kh but it would be interesting on the psp... not the ds. i cant imagine the graphics on it. it may not seem 2 matter cus it would probably do good anyway...but wouldnt they take the graphic seriously knowing thats what we r going 2 stare at it 4 12+ hrs. either way it doesnt matter... my little sis has a ds so ill steal hers if its only 4 ds. in which ill b really pissed... not a big fan of touch screen and the psp2( if there is 1) BETTER not have it

May 6th, 2007, 10:09
Kingdom Hearts would work so much better on the PSP. It would have to be for the PSP. Both KH 1 & 2 were on the PS2 so it should stay with its Playstation roots.

This is a game I strongly feel could turn into a "killer app" for the PSP. The PSP is much better suited for a Kingdom Hearts game.

May 6th, 2007, 11:04
Personally, I hope this one is goint to the PSP. We've already had Chain of Memories for the Gameboy Advance. Let's just hope this is going to be an AAA title and not something barely resembling the Kingdom Hearts games.

And .... let's hope it's got lots of Lion King in it! =D

May 6th, 2007, 13:17
A part of me thinks "Z0MG K1NGD0M H34RT5!!!!11one!!11" But another part of me wishes it was for the consoles. Didn't really enjoy CoM. Still good news to hear.

May 6th, 2007, 15:03
KH for the DS?? I understand that the DS is the better selling handheld on the market, but I dunno how it would work. What would the touch screen be used for, and how would they make it use both screens. Surely it would be better to go for a visually pleasing game on the PSP as the game doesn't need the innovation that the DS to provide for it to be great.

May 6th, 2007, 20:51
kingdom hearts 2 was my fave. only because I'm a Cloud strife fan I Will Get The Game, Plus Both KH 1&2 are just copied games I own
kh2 is worth buying kh1 wasn't my fave (A matter of fact I played #2 more Than #1)

Basil Zero
May 6th, 2007, 22:25
I cant wait for this game, gonna get it for psp

May 7th, 2007, 03:19
2 me the psp is more powerful and capable of more... if its a ds exclusive they would b making a huge mistake

May 7th, 2007, 03:29
Kingdom Hearts would work so much better on the PSP. It would have to be for the PSP. Both KH 1 & 2 were on the PS2 so it should stay with its Playstation roots.

This is a game I strongly feel could turn into a "killer app" for the PSP. The PSP is much better suited for a Kingdom Hearts game.

Playstation roots sounds bad.

As of handheld, however...it'd do best on PSP.

May 7th, 2007, 16:19
this may be out of the topic but is someone out there has plans of making an emulator for the PSP that will emulate the PS2..??

May 7th, 2007, 16:20
this may be way out of the topic but i just would like to know if someone out there has any plans of emulating the PS2 for the PSP..??

May 7th, 2007, 18:36
this may be way out of the topic but i just would like to know if someone out there has any plans of emulating the PS2 for the PSP..??

That's the first I'd heard of it. I highly doubt that's possible... maybe as a remote play feature through your PS3 otherwise it's kinda rife with difficulties... for one thing, the PS2 games models and textures will have to be 'downscaled' to PSP resolution because I don't think there's a memory card out there large enough to hold a PS2's DVD content. I just see to many problems. There is a PSOne emulator officially out.

On topic, if Crisis Core is anyhting to go by, most likely this KH game will be for PSP.

May 7th, 2007, 18:36
this may be way out of the topic but i just would like to know if someone out there has any plans of emulating the PS2 for the PSP..??

That's the first I'd heard of it. I highly doubt that's possible... maybe as a remote play feature through your PS3 otherwise it's kinda rife with difficulties... for one thing, the PS2 games models and textures will have to be 'downscaled' to PSP resolution because I don't think there's a memory card out there large enough to hold a PS2's DVD content. I just see to many problems. There is a PSOne emulator officially out.

On topic, if Crisis Core is anything to go by, most likely this KH game will be for PSP.

May 7th, 2007, 20:13
Originally Posted by deathbringer014 View Post
this may be way out of the topic but i just would like to know if someone out there has any plans of emulating the PS2 for the PSP..??
That's the first I'd heard of it. I highly doubt that's possible... maybe as a remote play feature through your PS3 otherwise it's kinda rife with difficulties... for one thing, the PS2 games models and textures will have to be 'downscaled' to PSP resolution because I don't think there's a memory card out there large enough to hold a PS2's DVD content. I just see to many problems. There is a PSOne emulator officially out.

On topic, if Crisis Core is anything to go by, most likely this KH game will be for PSP.

Yeah ps2 emu on psp would be great (it was already talked about sounds as if it won't happen ) but in my opinion it would be awesome to have the psp do it:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :thumbup: :thumbup: