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View Full Version : Maybe plugins will work with it now...

May 6th, 2007, 04:39
Ok so those of you who know me alrdy know my struggle to get plugins working on psp, but that was with my old one and with a new psp there is new hope. so i was wondering if someone could upload a good plugin pack for my psp running 3.40 OE so i could try it out.... also have an explanation of the plugins for me and how to work em. thnx


May 6th, 2007, 16:24
Here's three that I use.

-Press select+L for screenshot
-Press select+R for Movie record, press again to stop.

-I actually never use this one

-pressing home will inform you of your exact battery life

Enable these through recovery.

EDIT: Oh yeah, just place that folder in the root of your memstick :P

May 6th, 2007, 16:29
ok thnx man ill try and tell if they work with the new psp or not, thnx for the upload much apreciated...
nope still now go arrgg this is frustrating, any experienced person wanna give me a solution, cause this is my 2nd psp and nothing...could the problem lie in my flash memory? i have no custom themes or anything just a custom game boot and i havent deleted ny fonts in the flash to free up space so why wont the plugins work?

May 6th, 2007, 16:46
right in the root of youre memory stick make a folder called seplugins could be seplugin, try them both. drop you're plugins in that folder.

open up notepad etc.

write the dictionary to that plugin
eg, c://seplugins/plugin

call that .txt file VSH.txt

drop it in the seplugins folder.

Do not put custom plugins in flash0

May 6th, 2007, 17:46
Are you trying these in homebrew? I can't get them to work in my emulators/homebrew, just pops, iso/umd, and the xmb. I'm still wondering how to do that.

May 6th, 2007, 21:40
no in my xmb and thats all done alrdy triv

May 18th, 2007, 00:10
is there a way to get the irsmp3 working in pops? it's only allowing me to play it in xmb and psp games.

May 18th, 2007, 02:28
no clue, id help but my psp is gay as u can rad up above