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View Full Version : New R4 Forum starting!

May 9th, 2007, 12:50
I'd like to know if anybody here is interested in helping me make a new R4 Forum. I am trying to make it look similar to the M3 Forum one, except I want to have more volunteering people to share their homebrews and tools on this site, too. It's also the home of my R4 Review! Well, right now it's still in it's beta stages, so if anybody would like to help(as in being a mod or just an active member), head on over to:


And PM me. If you're too lazy to(although I don't want any lazy mods), feel free to pm me here, or write me an email:

[email protected]


Shane R. Monroe
May 9th, 2007, 14:19
Wow ... imagine the worst ways to do this - and we've managed to cover them all.

1) You don't even register a domain (even just a forwarder). Who wants to lay claim to being a "powermod" on some invisionfree.com forum?

2) Bitching about being too lazy to send a PM or email, but showing extreme laziness by NOT watching this thread or even taking the lazy way out by subscribing to replies.

3) The Good 'ol Yahoo email address seals the deal.

Let me rewrite this ...Little more truth in advertising.

"Hey, I want to be god admin over a flash cart forum, but I ain't sinkin' any money or time into it - so I'm gonna use a really crappy free forum, a really crappy email address to contact me with when YOU decide you want to provide MY site with free content and donate your time to police MY forum. Don't bother replying to this message - since I basically trolled the net looking for any possible related forum and posted this message - so there is no way in hell I can be bothered to check them all for replies. So, PM me - better yet, email me at my crappy-probably-full Yahoo address (better send it twice since the first time it probably won't make it or hit my junk filters) because I don't really want to come back here if I don't have to."

And yes ... I just started my period today. :) I just get tired of seeing these kinda posts.

May 9th, 2007, 15:43
sorry. im too young to own a domain name.

Shane R. Monroe
May 9th, 2007, 16:47
You can be too young to own a domain name? That's weird ... I've never been asked my age when buying one ...

May 9th, 2007, 17:14
I hope you know that there is already an official R4 forums right? So you're pretty much wasting your time with this.


May 9th, 2007, 20:18
@Shane R. Monroe
I'm too young to own a paypal account, or a credit card. And my dad doesn't want to pay either

I know. It's quite big though, and I was thinking of having a smaller one and more organised one.

Please don't criticize me no more. I know it may look hopeless but I want to give it a shot. Maybe someone else might be kind enough to make a domain name. Sorry if I bothered anyone.