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View Full Version : New forum hider thing

May 9th, 2007, 15:08
hmm its buggy.

the forums all just get unhidden after making a post or refreshing the homepage. for me anyway. Any one else find this happening?

also the hide catagory button doesnt hide the catagory , it just hides the catagory name.

Im using opera browser btw, also tried IE7 , same problems. The system must be set up incorrect or something perhaps?

Edit - hmm, it works fine on my site (hiding forums that is) even after you leave the site and come back to it it still has the forums you selected to be hidden, hidden.

maybe its set up wrong?

May 9th, 2007, 16:23
Huh, I just noticed it was there.

It works fine on my phone.

May 9th, 2007, 19:25
It was added yesterday, I'm not quite done with it, everything works except subforums that have forums below them, the cookie doesn't write it correctly yet, but no worries.

It is supposed to look like that though so you can collapse main forums, categories as well as subforums so only your favorite forums show up. Useful when we have a forum with so many subforums. With standard vBulletin you can only collapse categories, not forums. This is my own little mod.

It does remember your settings (apart from a few forums like I mentioned) for your next visit.

May 9th, 2007, 19:41
wow nice mod Martin :D

May 9th, 2007, 20:56
I hid Junk from the main General off topic bit, dunno how to get it back.

What would be nice for this site would be some new vb tags, like spoilers or signs or strikethrough think they hd some of that on zionmax

May 9th, 2007, 21:22
I hid Junk from the main General off topic bit, dunno how to get it back.

Click on Show all forums which is displayed on the main page of the forums just below the navbar. This clears all the collapsed categories and forums from your cookie. :eek:

May 9th, 2007, 21:46
I hid Junk from the main General off topic bit, dunno how to get it back.

What would be nice for this site would be some new vb tags, like spoilers or signs or strikethrough think they hd some of that on zionmax

We already have the strikethrough BBcode set up.

{s}{/s} replacing the "{" with [


I'll work on adding spoiler tags and a few others too. I assure you we'll have them soon. :)

May 9th, 2007, 21:49
does this also mean we will also be able to uncollapse the psp section?

if so YAY :D

May 9th, 2007, 22:05
I hate love this

May 10th, 2007, 02:08
will it be possible to have subforums appear in full? Ever since things were made into sub-forums it's been so hard to watch out the Dreamcast Emulation/Gaming/etc forums since one has to click in to get to a listing.

I'm glad to see that these things are finally getting fixed =).

May 10th, 2007, 03:41
will it be possible to have subforums appear in full? Ever since things were made into sub-forums it's been so hard to watch out the Dreamcast Emulation/Gaming/etc forums since one has to click in to get to a listing.

I'm glad to see that these things are finally getting fixed =).

i second that, but for the psp section :D

uncollapsing them will be awesome :thumbup:

May 24th, 2007, 00:24
Sorry for the delay, been busy with exams, fixed now. :)

It will remember your settings for your next visit since it's written to a cookie. Remember to collapse the main forum as well if you collapse all subforums under a main forum, else it will look funny :p

NOTE: Even if you do collapse forums, don't worry, you'll still see posts from all forums when you click New Posts. :D

quzar: Sorry that's not possible, you can only display main category and its subforum on the main index. If there are even more subforums under that subforum they can't be displayed directly, you'd have to click through.