View Full Version : BootDreams 1.0.3a

May 10th, 2007, 23:58
A couple changes and improvements over the last release.

- change: downgraded to CDRecord 2.01 (2.01 a26 is\was unstable)
- change: blank CDDA tracks (amount set by you)
- improve: ELF support (deleted your ELF if cygwin was running)

I must note that the amount of blank CDDA tracks required I found was different from the amount nxMakaqu needs (which is two compared to three in most cases).


Dull Blade
May 11th, 2007, 06:21
Well i'll find this usefull. I wonder how many active DC users are actually left on this site. I would of thought there would of already been a post or two by now

May 11th, 2007, 22:09
I guess most posted their thanks already here (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=62403).

Btw, thanks again for these improvements to BootDreams :)

Dull Blade
May 11th, 2007, 23:26
Oh, I didn't even realise that thread. I should be more active.

May 11th, 2007, 23:31
Nice release, fackue! :)

May 11th, 2007, 23:56
Good Work! Nice to see the DC scene still is thriving after all these years!

May 11th, 2007, 23:56
Btw, thanks again for these improvements to BootDreams :)
Nice release, fackue! :)
Good Work! Nice to see the DC scene still is thriving after all these years!

:) thanks

June 2nd, 2007, 00:05
I just wanted to add that for me, it seems, CDRecord 2.01a26 is actually more stable than 2.01. Because BootDreams 1.0.3 is actually able to burn CDI images, while 1.0.3a can't due to its CDRecord throwing an unknown wobbly every time (I can't work out what error message it's giving me). So I'm sticking with 1.0.3 for the time being, methinks.

Apart from that though, BootDreams/CDRecord overall still seems to have a problem with burning CDI images that contain multiple CDDA audio tracks. I usually have to resort to using Alcohol 120% for those ones.

June 2nd, 2007, 11:50
I just wanted to add that for me, it seems, CDRecord 2.01a26 is actually more stable than 2.01. Because BootDreams 1.0.3 is actually able to burn CDI images, while 1.0.3a can't due to its CDRecord throwing an unknown wobbly every time (I can't work out what error message it's giving me). So I'm sticking with 1.0.3 for the time being, methinks.
i embarrassingly didnt test 1.0.3a before i released it which results in me releasing something that doesnt even work on my computer. I've been putting it off though. I'll see about fixing it with a overall better version of cdrecord tomorrow or the next day.

Apart from that though, BootDreams/CDRecord overall still seems to have a problem with burning CDI images that contain multiple CDDA audio tracks. I usually have to resort to using Alcohol 120% for those ones.
yeah, though i did try to support them -- I just couldn't get cdrecord to burn them right after i ripped the image with cdirip.

June 5th, 2007, 03:42
I'll get this fix out asap. I started working on it today and I'd like to add a couple features before sending out the bugfix release.