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View Full Version : PSPMyAdmin

May 11th, 2007, 01:07
News/release from JustChris:

Growing up on making web pages and web development a few years before I ever got into programming, I got interested in making an application geared towards web development and data entry. There are many organizer/database apps for PocketPC and other PDAs, so why not one for the PSP?

I call it PSPMyAdmin, after phpMyAdmin which uses a PHP-driven front end to make it easier for users to update MySQL databases. phpMyAdmin is a tool that's found in most web hosts that support MySQL.

PSPMyAdmin does the same, only as a standalone program, and using external files for storage. The major difference is that my program will only work with MySQL scripts, and not the encoded database files themselves. However, the scripts are essentially commands to edit databases so they are transferrable to any MySQL host.

This VERY early build only lets you browse through the table names of the database and some of the "insert" command associated with the rows in the tables. It only reads files named "test.sql" and must be placed in the same folder as the EBOOT. I provided a screenshot of the program. There's not much to do, but a glimpse of things to come.

If you're a webmaster that deals with a large site (like this one) hopefully the final version of this program will be very handy for you.

Here are the proposed features for a "complete" version:

- Read from any compatible file in the directory
- Export/import phpMyAdmin SQL dump, so scripts are transferrable to host
- Read and edit following file formats: SQL script, CSV files, (maybe) XML
- Work with all files in a spreadsheet like format
- new GUI, with a clean look, visual effects and presentation
- Search feature, probably simple at first

It should work on most firmware except for 1.50, this was tested on firmware 2.7. Oh, and this crashes if there's no file with the right name in it. It's still an early version after all.

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via justchris (http://forums.qj.net/showpost.php?p=1554050&postcount=1)

May 11th, 2007, 02:18
Nice, handy app!

May 11th, 2007, 03:09
thanks man, nice app

Gold Line
May 11th, 2007, 03:30
that looks cool

May 11th, 2007, 09:59
nice app

May 11th, 2007, 10:02
Do any of you know what a MySQL database is?

I know I do, nice app btw, I also thought that controling a MySQL database remotely via a PSP would be cool, A FTP app would be even better ;), but I like it I'm downloading now.

May 11th, 2007, 14:44
This is a very interesting app. I just tested it on 3.40 OE-A by throwing it into the GAME340 folder and so far, it looks really cool.

Keep up the good work on this app :thumbup:

May 11th, 2007, 16:34
yay code my db on the go :) port apache plz lol

May 11th, 2007, 17:39
i'm developing one a few months ago, i'ts called PSPman and in this primary versions is in Spanish (like me) it can be found in beta.pesepe.com.

it's a Win exe that acess the meory stick and organices it in a debian package like sistem, of corse in mayor versions i'll implement a english traslation.