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View Full Version : Ghost Squad revealed on Wii - first screens

May 11th, 2007, 15:50
Sega AM2 is bringing its counter-terrorist light-gun arcade game, Ghost Squad, to Wii early next year.

The game will have you using the Wii Remote as a "multi-purpose tool" as you take charge of an elite counter-terrorist unit in missions, defusing bombs, taking out enemies and rescuing hostages in the light-gun-type stages.

You play as the Global Humanitarian-Operation and Special Tactics Squad (Ghost Squad for short), set up by the government as the world becomes overrun with terrorism.

Gary Knight, European marketing director of Sega Europe said: "Ghost Squad utilises the Wii Remote perfectly as a light gun, resulting in the game being a total blast."

Training, arcade, special and multiplayer modes will be included, as well as the ability to track your personal performance against other players via the Wii's online functionality. That's sounds like online scoreboards to us. Let's hope Sega adds online multiplayer too.

Screens Here (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=163741)

The King
May 11th, 2007, 15:54
cant wait for this sounds real fun hope that it has online multiplayer that would make its sales even better