View Full Version : Xenon Fenix Test Release

November 28th, 2004, 17:53
This is only for those who have CDs to waste, the zip file contains plain and a Discjuggler image.

I can give no assurances that they work so consider these releases as pure betas, that said if you get them working please post any news about the release with any instructions so that i can post news that they do indeed work.

(im totally out of CDs for a bit so thats why these are test releases and not to be posted on any site until we know they work)

Heres the Link


It's called Xenon Omega Blast, written in Fenix and a MUST for every shoot-em-up fan!

November 29th, 2004, 15:04
Can't turn the music off, but can set difficulty. Will only play in "panic mode". Have to reset it (by pressing X) after each game. Plays fine in all three difficulties, but suffers a bit of slowdown when a lot is on screen.

Not a bad little game, although I think the multiparts to the ship is somewhat pointless. It doesn't seem like the targets on the sides of the screen can be shot (are they actually targets?). The control needs a bit of tweaking, as its a bit jerky with the D pad.

Quite cool. I want to write games like this, and I await Chui's writeups with bated breath!

December 2nd, 2004, 11:31
thanks for testing the release :)

December 5th, 2004, 10:45
Very cool mr. wraggster :)
Will there be a improved version by joanvr or you?

December 5th, 2004, 15:07
if joanvr releases a new version ill port it over to dc