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View Full Version : Sega presents its new lineup -- with the Western Hemisphere in mind

May 12th, 2007, 04:47
via GamePro (http://www.gamepro.com/news.cfm?article_id=112127)

Confirmation was announced yesterday by Sega that five new titles are currently in the making, which represent a lineup with some very familiar developers attached. By the looks of things, all of the titles promise to make the next year very interesting for the company and the rest of the gaming market. The Japan-based company has set the stage for a very lucrative and refreshing partnership with U.S. developers that will serve to invigorate franchises loved particularly by Western gamers.

Among the lineup is a sequel to the 2005 hit title Condemned: Criminal Origins, which will be released for Xbox 360 and PS3. In addition to the melee survival features of the original, Condemned 2: Bloodshot will also feature a new multiplayer online mode which, as Sega has assured us, will be of a particularly "brutal" variety. The game is currently under development by Monolith Productions, developers of the original game Condemned and the critically acclaimed first-person shooter, F.E.A.R.

Meanwhile, Sega also announced that Universe at War, Petroglyph's new brand of RTS set to be released later this year for PCs, is also currently being developed for the Xbox 360, with numerous new features and customization options that have never before been available to the RTS genre. As stated previously by Scott A. Steinberg, vice president of marketing for Sega of America, "Universe at War: Earth Assault will surpass the limits of what gamers expect to see in an RTS game. It will be the culmination of years and development expertise in creating exciting and innovative RTS titles."


In addition, other popular names in entertainment will receive a new lease on life, thanks to Sega. Ghost Squad, a light-gun arcade game that was released by Sega Chihiro back in 2004, will be made into a port by AM2 for the Nintendo Wii in late 2007. Aside from incorporating Wiimote-based controls into the gameplay, new features such as a four-player mode will also be added.


Next, the unapologetically violent Flash cartoon series Happy Tree Friends will find a new playground on PC and Xbox 360 in time for the Fall 2007 release of the title Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm. The game will come to life (and assuredly, an eventually gory death) through the development efforts of Stainless Games.

Sega has also been reported to be developing an action RPG in collaboration with Gas Powered Games, the same company that designed Supreme Commander. However, no title or release date has been disclosed as of yet. Expect to see more on GamePro regarding this game as soon as more facts become available.

Basil Zero
May 12th, 2007, 06:55
No Streets of Rage, No Sonic, No Shining Force...come on....

May 12th, 2007, 08:00
No Streets of Rage, No Sonic, No Shining Force...come on....

Exactly! no sequels and no remakes, mean less pessure for SEGA
(anyways, they have a new nights game in the works so I'm content!)

May 12th, 2007, 19:58
yeah im glad, they were killing their own names haha, i want to try that rts =p

May 18th, 2007, 05:31
Will there ever be a new DECENT Shining Force game :(

I miss my Shining Force 3