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View Full Version : Indies take centre stage for PS4 at Gamescom

August 20th, 2013, 23:16
Mike Bithell, Vlambeer and Dennaton Games releasing timed exclusives for Sony hardware

Indie developers from around the world are taking centre stage at Sony's PS4 conference at this year's Gamescom.
Taking to the stage, PS4 lead system architect Mark Cerny said indies brought Sony's platforms a vital dimension in creating the best place to play.

He said it was important for Sony to provde a wide variety of content on its consoles, and the passion of small teams was "critical to transforming that goal into reality".
He added that the PS4 aimed at strengthing the company's indie support further, to "fully support self publishing", and allow developers to maintain creative control.
"As a consequence we believe that a renassiance of gaming content is coming on PS4," he said.
