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View Full Version : Eyes-On Final Fantasy Dissidia

May 13th, 2007, 00:41
If you heard the rumors, or caught the Japanese magazine scans, this might sound familiar. You may have doubted what you saw, but I assure you, the stories are real. There is a Final Fantasy All-Stars game on its way, and it's headed to PSP.

Today at the Final Fantasy Anniversary party in Makuhari Japan, Square screened a brief but satisfying trailer in its Closed Mega Theatre. The video streamed in a small psp-scale-box on the screen, similar to how the Crisis Core trailer was done. The first scene opens with a pre-rendered CG shot of a brown and barren rocky terrain. The screen flashes white, and dissolves to a close-up of Cecil Harvey's face, the hero from Final Fantasy IV. A few moments later we see him fight in what looks to be gameplay footage. The battle itself feels very Kingdom Hearts. In fact, if I would have walked into the theatre at this exact moment and saw the footage at a glance, I would have assumed I was looking at a PSP version of Kingdom Hearts.

Full Article (http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/787/787981p1.html)

May 13th, 2007, 02:14
sweet, ssb with final fantasy characters and story! this game is gonna rock

Basil Zero
May 13th, 2007, 06:08
KH style SSB lol

with FF twist, nice combination, cannot wait for this game !!

May 13th, 2007, 10:18
will Square make downloadable Characters
because i want cloud strife in it

May 13th, 2007, 10:28
will Square make downloadable Characters
because i want cloud strife in it

i bet square enix will include cloud in it, anyways cant wait...... SSB style!!! but with FF characters!!!!and its for psp!!!!!!!:thumbup:

May 13th, 2007, 19:38
This game's gonna be awesome. Cloud would kick the @~&*% out of anyone in the game though lol.

May 13th, 2007, 19:59
This is gonna rock!!!!

SSB Kingdom Hearts FF! I'll bet Soras playable or unlockable! :D

May 13th, 2007, 20:49
if it is ssb style then im definatly getting it... even if i have to rob walmart. man that would be soooooo cool it is is ssb. damn im so psyched about it i cant stop talking about it

May 14th, 2007, 06:33
how about downloadable packs like wipeout pure to unlocke more characters costumes arenas
ff1-XII packs