View Full Version : Looking for an old Samus PIC1.png Homebrew BG

May 14th, 2007, 21:28

I used to have a simple but nice Hombrew PIC1.PNG background that sported Samus in a blue format backdrop. I've provided the pose that was incorporated in the piece as well as an idea of what the background format looked liked. If someone still has it, please help a friend and upload it here. I'll be more than glad to share any Icon0.png or Pic1.png requests.


May 16th, 2007, 23:56
********** E D I T **********

Nevermind....After much rummaging through my old posts at Qj.net, I found it!!!:thumbup:

It now serves it's place with my NesterJ emulator.

June 19th, 2007, 22:15
that icon0 looks amazing, i might have to steal the style