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May 15th, 2007, 05:47
i have been looking at this http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/dd-ds-g6lite

Highest DS game compatibility.
Perfect save function.
Fast read and fast load.
Support large files (even larger than 256 Mbits)
Automatic Save Management System (ASMS) supports storing safely more than one save file for each game. "

there is also that one with a passcard card included

my question are

Is this great for gaming? ex: snes gba ect ect..

What the heck is a passcard?

differances between slot 1 and 2

sorry i am new.

May 15th, 2007, 23:00
I'd suggest doing a lot more research before you buy so that you are sure you're getting what you want. First off, do you want this for just GBA or DS too? The G6 Lite is good for GBA binaries, but for the DS there are better solutions out there.

May 16th, 2007, 18:53
Not only that but that product has a limited amount of space. With products like Supercard and the M3 if you want more space, you just but another SD card.

May 17th, 2007, 02:02
I'd suggest doing a lot more research before you buy so that you are sure you're getting what you want. First off, do you want this for just GBA or DS too? The G6 Lite is good for GBA binaries, but for the DS there are better solutions out there.

i am more interested in running DS binaries.

May 17th, 2007, 04:10
Then it might be better to get a slot-1 solution like the R4 or M3 Simply or Supercard DS. While they don't have GBA support, they excel at DS functionality, and they meet the criteria you specified. They have built-in NoPass functionality, so you don't need to worry about that.

May 21st, 2007, 03:17
so this is baisicly all i need? http://www.modchipstore.com/M3-DS-Simply-Slot-1-solution-homebrew-backups-microsd-16418.html

sorry for being kinda noobish

1: new to DS scene
2: Never purchased anything online before

May 21st, 2007, 05:28
That should work, yes. Just make sure you get a microSD card to go with it. Also note that modchipstore isn't usually recommended all that much, as shipping could be much longer than they say it will take. I've also heard of people who received screwdrivers instead of what they ordered. I've never dealt with them though, so this is just from what I've heard. I have bought from RealHotStuff however, and I know they ship very quickly (I received my product 3 days after ordering).

May 23rd, 2007, 07:25
I've been researching for two weeks which to buy, and out of 40 reviews the M3 Lite Perfect has come through being the best. Though not one review has mentioned whether or not it or any other supercards in the world can link wirelessly with roms. Nor on any forum i've been able to find, and i'm not purchasing one until i find an answer. I almost can't believe i'm the first one to ask this, there's always someone...

May 28th, 2007, 17:12
go for the m3. its the best slot one solution that i have used and memory can be upgraded and it is good value for money