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View Full Version : 2GB duo cards

May 28th, 2005, 22:31
available for preorder ay www.videogamesplus.ca £190 with postage, estimated 6/6/05, seems a good deal 2 me:)

May 28th, 2005, 23:26
Still quite pricey. My opinion is that the 512mb cards are still the best value for money just now, with the 1Gb cards slowly creeping down in price (or at least they would if there wasn't such a shortage :p)

I think by the end of summer and closer to the European PSP launch, that the 1Gb cards will be down to mainstream prices (i.e sub £75). The 2Gb ones will likely be quite expensive for a long time, my guess is until at least Christmas.

- Odie

May 29th, 2005, 13:00
costs more than my psp itself :(

May 29th, 2005, 18:25
Just got myself a 512 - just the job!!

May 29th, 2005, 19:30
That is one expensive memory card.

May 29th, 2005, 19:39
for the size of it its such a rip off, i mean these thing must cost so little to manufacture, probably about 20 per card, i mean with psp you have card reader writer, media players, game players, nice lcd screen, grafx cards and other stuff , this is just a bit of plastic with a metal strip. The effort that went into designing how it works was probablly very little yet its dearer than a psp, and you can get a blank 4 gb dvd for £1 depending on where you go, profit is so bad these days.

May 29th, 2005, 19:42
for the size of it its such a rip off, i mean these thing must cost so little to manufacture, probably about 20 per card, i mean with psp you have card reader writer, media players, game players, nice lcd screen, grafx cards and other stuff , this is just a bit of plastic with a metal strip. The effort that went into designing how it works was probablly very little yet its dearer than a psp, and you can get a blank 4 gb dvd for £1 depending on where you go, profit is so bad these days.

Good point - the memory cards are an absolute con!!

May 29th, 2005, 21:43
for the size of it its such a rip off, i mean these thing must cost so little to manufacture, probably about 20 per card, i mean with psp you have card reader writer, media players, game players, nice lcd screen, grafx cards and other stuff , this is just a bit of plastic with a metal strip. The effort that went into designing how it works was probablly very little yet its dearer than a psp, and you can get a blank 4 gb dvd for £1 depending on where you go, profit is so bad these days.

I'm sorry, but way too many people go around messageboards posting random "facts" without any actual proof.

I would be very interested to see exactly where you read that 2Gb memory sticks cost 20 (dollars/pounds/euros) each to produce?

Oh, and blank DVDs can be had for under 40p in most cases, but I don't see how it's all relevant to your argument about memory sticks being overpriced. ;)

May 30th, 2005, 11:38
I think the prices will go down in the future, just like the dvd-rs

May 30th, 2005, 12:17
I'm sorry, but way too many people go around messageboards posting random "facts" without any actual proof.

I would be very interested to see exactly where you read that 2Gb memory sticks cost 20 (dollars/pounds/euros) each to produce?

Oh, and blank DVDs can be had for under 40p in most cases, but I don't see how it's all relevant to your argument about memory sticks being overpriced. ;)

I think what people are saying is that when you look at the anount of hardware you get in a PSP for £180 compared to a tiny memory stick for the same price it looks like the memory chip manufacturers are shafting us.

May 30th, 2005, 17:54
But the PSP, like most other consoles is sold at a significant loss in order to get the hardware into customer's hands in order to boost software and peripheral (read: memory sticks in the case of the PSP) sales, where they make most of their money.

- Odie