View Full Version : 75 Controllers, One Gaming System

August 24th, 2013, 22:31
http://hackadaycom.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/controllers.jpg?w=337&h=450 (http://hackaday.com/?attachment_id=101875)
This gaming cabinet lets two players select games from a wide array of consoles and play them using the original controllers. [Patrice] built it around his Multi Video Games System 2 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/MVGS2-Multi-Video-Games-System-Two/217043908348817), which converts each of the 75 controllers to a common format. Players pick controllers from the display case, plug in an HD-15 connector, and choose the game they want to play. The cabinet contains a PC that runs a variety of emulators, and uses HyperSpin (http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/) as a menu system.
Using adapters, the converted controllers can also be used on other game systems, tablets, or smartphones. [Patrice] claims that they’ll work across 110 different game systems. A full list of the controllers and systems is shown here (http://ultimate.arcade.pagesperso-orange.fr/fichiers5/Ensemble-Manettes-Universelles-et-Adaptateurs-MVGS2.jpg).
This cabinet is definitely one of the most comprehensive video game installations we’ve seen, and the display case of controllers looks fantastic. Check out a video of the system and some controller porn after the break.
