View Full Version : Powder v0.85

May 22nd, 2007, 16:32
News/release of an update to Brandons dungeon game (http://www.zincland.com/powder/index.php?pagename=release)

Buried in the following slew of SDL updates is a minor comment about the AI. The AI changes, of course, took the most time. Creatures now pay some attention to the effect their attacks have on you. If you resist, there is a good chance they will figure this out and stop using the attack that you can resist.

Summoned creatures are set to attack you, even if friendly normally.

When reading books, skills you know from reading are +, those from items are x, and those you have acquired in both fashions are *.

Change daemons on Quizar's level to Earth Elementals and give them some destructible walls to play with.

[SDL] If the minimap requires more tiles than is in the cache, no longer corrupt the overlay panel after display.

[SDL] Bump the tile cache sizes, reducing chance of NO TILE appearing in SDL versions. (While this could theoritically be infinite, in practice I'm still supporting the flip flags which limits it to 1024 tiles)

[SDL] Swept for direction references for more consistent numpad support. Numpad should work for looking, firing, scrolling page views, etc. 5 will select, 0 cancel (Erik Piper)

[SDL] Clear keyboard buffer after selecting tile so your last keypress doesn't trigger a command. (5 to select would trigger 5 to wait, causing looking at a square to cost a turn!)

Instead of "You step out of the liquid." when one clears the Submerged flag, use "You reach the surface." since this may be triggered when escaping underground entombment.

When trapped underground, you suffocate rather than drown. Same damage, different flavour text.

Status line for being trapped underground is now "Buried" rather than "Submerged".

If you have the unchanging intrinsic, gods will not bother to intervene with stoning as it is not a risk.

New AI capability - mobs can note when you resist certain attacks and adjust their actions accordingly.

[SDL] You can now resize the window. POWDER will select the largest possible integer multiple and draw at that scale. This involved a rewrite of the SDL render path - I think it is now more efficient, but if you see a performance degradation from the previous version, please let me know.

[SDL] Under Options, you can now choose Full Screen to play in full screen mode. It will take your currently sized window and find the next larger native screen res.

One new room.

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May 22nd, 2007, 20:11
i like doungin games, ill check this out

May 24th, 2007, 23:08
It's actually Jeff Lait's dungeon game.