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View Full Version : Might and Magic Coming to DS - Heroes DS

May 22nd, 2007, 16:36
Kotfire an homebrew coder is working on a Might and Magic clone for the Nintendo DS called Heroes DS, first heres a video:


DIGG THIS (http://digg.com/gaming_news/Might_and_Magic_Coming_to_DS)


Heres the translated info:

First of all welcome, For that it sepais in this blog I will not update all the information of my project for Nintendo DS. I have been approximately 2 months working and already it is hour to present/display it:

Of Might & Magic is an adaptation of the series Heroes. From the first time which I played Heroes I east game captivated to me and it has given many hours me of diversion, since in the NDS catalogue there are titles of this no type I decided to put hands to me to the work. I was thinking and I reached the conclusion that basaria me only in Heroes II and III, from this last one, in my opinion, there is lost its enchantment.

Said this I am going to speak on the characteristics and functions that the game will have:

So far I do not have thought to add multiplayer way by wifi, more ahead when this finishing I see that it is possible to be done.

Therefore we will be able to enjoy two ways of game:

* Fast Game: It chooses a human map, players who will participate (in the same machine), type of victory, etc
* Campaign: I do not believe that it is necessary that it speaks on this way, embarcate to the adventure surpassing different maps

It is possible that more ahead it divides the ways in several types, a player, multiplayer, campaign, but it is too much soon for knowing as I will put it.

The gameplay will be most similar possible to the one of the original game. The graphical subject is more complicated, as I am not graphics artist therefore to do i myself the graphs of the game is impossible to me, although to become some simple things. At the moment I am using graphical created by my same one and original resources of the Heroes III but no of them are definitive. This subject is quite secondary and it does not have much importance for my, more ahead is possible to be modified all the aspect without any problem.

The control on the game is tactile clearing that some bellboys like the L or the arrows of direction (R and To, B, and, X for left-handed people) are used to interchange the screens and to move respectively by the map.

At the moment I am working in the movement by the map, concretely in the detection of the best way to arrive at the position marked with stylus. As in the original ones after marking to the wished position arrows they mark the route that our personage will do and after pressing he will move again until that place, in case not outside possible to arrive at that place is a message noticing it.

Awesome stuff lets hope he pulls it off.

May 22nd, 2007, 17:44

May 22nd, 2007, 17:48
C00l!Gonna play this for sure

May 22nd, 2007, 18:53
I was waiting for the DC heroes, but got disapointed.
But now there is a homebrew clone.
Thanx!! Really thanx. If you need any help, contact me.

And BTW: Might and magics is not same as Heroes of Might and Magics!

^^Thats Might and Magics...an adventure

^^And thats the Heroes game.

They are made using same developers, art works and stuff. But are completly different.

I really prefer heroes ;)

May 22nd, 2007, 20:11
that looks awsome!!!!!!! thanks

May 22nd, 2007, 20:33
that guy is making a good job

May 22nd, 2007, 23:43
My god, my god, my god, MY GOD! Such a project would only exist in my silly dreams of the impossible and improbable. This is... inexplicable with words. I bless this man, I COMMEND THIS MAN. My sincere wishes for all the best and hopefully this fine project will get to see its release in glorious days!

And just a follow-up on Payk's clarification: the 'Heroes' that is being used here is actually 'Heroes of Might and Magic', an isometric fantasy turn-based strategy, which follows the same plot line as the 'Might and Magic', one of the finest classic RPG's ever to be released.

May 23rd, 2007, 16:16
I dislike the graphics but it sure seems he's doing an good job on this!